Tiep Vu

As a founder, you have so much on your plate. How can you prioritize tasks?


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Maurizio Isendoorn
The 3 biggest tasks is a great one. I also do that usually. Btw, I'm launching today :)
Tiep Vu
For me, I decide 3 biggest tasks of the day. Solve it one by one with defined time blocks. When done, I will then move on to less important tasks. I have to admit, I cannot put too much in one day. Gotta divide them into many days.
@tiepvuvan It's funny you say that because I live by the same principle. Try to do 3 things that move the needle every day - but to be honest I'm not as far as you, a lot of the times I don't even finish those 3 things. Still a work in progress!
Igor Lysenko
I made an application where I deploy my projects and work there too. Actually, I have no problems with this issue. In general, using software for work is useful.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Schedule your days the day before in notion, it honestly helps so much ps. ringly.io launch is live today