Soumya Chaturvedi

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I want to be a morning person and start my day early. But the winter laziness is my stopper .....

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Ravi Tamada
Unfortunately became both lately, but waking up early feels great always.
Sherry Xena
I'm a night owl
Soumya Chaturvedi
@sherryxena never been a morning person ?
Ghost Kitty
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Sakshi Gahlawat
Both actually :)
Ritu Soni
I tried but I guess Night is my thing
Personally I prefer Mornings, after a good workout I feel myself refreshed and able to concentrate more when compared with nights.
Peter Alexandra
i'm a night owl
Tanya Elliott
Feeling better when become a morning person
Erica Lee
I wish I were an early bird, but I've been a night owl my whole life. I know this because even as a kid, I would still be up even after my parents go to bed. And even now, being awake early in the morning doesn't feel right to me. However, I still wish I'm the opposite because I feel like the society is built to favor early birds :)
sowmya k s
I want to be a morning person. But always be a night owl.
Dávid Sipos
sometimes both :D There are times when I enjoy waking up early but sometimes I can't sleep until like 4 am
Jim K
like feel myself as a morning person but I'm night person
Anoir Houmou
Ágh Helmut
I'm a night owl but really jealous of people who are able to stay productive while waking up early 🥹
Sandhya R Nair
I could be either depending on the weather XD
Benjamin Robert
morning when i have go to work :)))
Patrick Adele
Night Owl is joining this discussion :)))
Sanjay Somashekar
I have become both in the past few months unfortunately.
I'm definitely a morning person, I love getting up early and starting the day off with a positive attitude. It's the best way to get things done!
Nimesha Buvanendran
A proud night owl🦉 As a content writer, I prefer to write when it's silent and the night time helps.