Fabian Maume

Any thought on Integromat rebranding to make?


Integromate rebranded to make.com: https://www.make.com/en/integrom... I would be curious to hear your thought about it. One of the questions in my mind is: how expensive was the domain name?

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The idea behind rebranding is to create a different identity for a brand, from its competitors, in the market. DNA HRBlock Login
Mariano Guerra
the question in my mind is: how are people going to find them on a search engine with that name :)
Renat Gabitov
Same thing, different color. haha
Carsten Pleiser
Two days ago I migrated my Integromat setup to Make and it went smoothly. As long as the rebrand keeps existing tech intact, I say it was a good move. Curious how much they paid for the domain name too 🤔
Kit Fach
My other question is Integromat I'm assuming was fairly easy to trademark Make.com not so much, I've realized there are a good chunk of businesses that skip the trademark process all together