Jim Morrison

🧠 AI is only ever a Mechanical Turk – Discuss

Do we think that the average person on the street realises that however clever AI is right now, with DALL•E, GPT-3 or even our things like Nüz... it's nothing more than a mathematical party trick. Why does this matter? I really worry that we're blurring the lines around "trust" - particularly with generative content. - Generating tweets & marketing copy... probably fine. - Generating news*... probably not fine. There's a line somewhere in the middle there. Generating product descriptions from product data sets? What if the description is subtly wrong on some salient detail? The most consistent requests the team at OneSub gets for it's tech is in things like analysing corporate documents or even patient notes to derive insights. These are places where comprehension matters! My point is; AI - particularly generative content - belies a perspicacity that just isn't there. It's only *ever* an imitation and we're years and years and years away from the cognitive reasoning that it appears to have. I think that's a very dangerous illusion to be getting swept up by. * We use "AI" to understand and select human-editorial. While we had *very* early GPT-3 access (pre Biden's election) we have never used it in production, nor are we ever likely to.

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