Sometimes AI is far from perfect. Share our funniest stories of when things went wrong.
PS: If you're looking for AI solutions that minimize the risk of "oops" moments, check out
My biggest 'oops' moment... Trusting GPT-4's market research numbers without a second glance. Took me 30 minutes to realize those figures were more 'creative' than accurate. Lesson learned—always double-check GPT 4 by asking links where it took that from ! 😄
Maybe not really a fail, but certainly funny. During the first few hours of using ChatGPT (and not knowing what to do with it), I asked it to write a joke about a bird. This was the answer:
A bird and a cow meet at a bar and order cocktails. What does the cow say?
1. "How about a Mai-Cock-a-doodle-doo?"
2. Long story short, the bird gets shit-faced.
3. "Mooooo-tini!"
[This is me speaking again. I actually did laugh when I read #2.]
AI said: I can't do it
I asked: why? you did the same yesterday
AI: *doing its job"
But it's a repeating pattern.
The lamest part is when he slips non-existent data into real data.
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