🗣️ 3 changes you should do in your daily communication
The way you use words and how you think about yourself and your goals can influence your perception as well as others' perception towards you.
🔄 Try to make these 3 swaps:
1️⃣ BUT → AND
– When you give someone feedback, you say something good in the first part and then add a "BUT", automatically erasing everything good you've said so far. "BUT" is usually followed by bad things.
– Try to compose things the way you use "AND".
– E. g. Highlight what you like about the idea "AND" what could be done better.
2️⃣ NO → NOT YET
– Don't put good deals on the backburner completely. Maybe the offer is just not well-timed yet. Instead of a complete "NO", say "NOT YET".
– You leave the door open for the future.
– Instead of regret, express gratitude.
– Sorry evokes a state of humiliation, while "to be thankful" is a state of understanding.
What are your swaps?
I am thinking about writing a newsletter on this topic. Should I?