@bethstachenfeld Ask some questions to evaluate if you're talking to a right person or not. If yes, show them the feature you developed and ask the feedback. If they say I want so and so improvement/feature follow up them what/why/how on it.
@bethstachenfeld Four questions from the Superhuman post about finding P/M fit:
1. How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?
2. What type of people do you think would most benefit from this product?
3. What is the main benefit you receive from this product?
4. How can we improve this product for you?
link: https://firstround.com/review/ho...
@bethstachenfeld I normally ask to describe their work day and ask as many “why?” as I can when topics that resonate like a problem we could solve are mentioned.
It’s super important to let the user make the talking: it’s not “talk to users”, it’s “listen to users”.
Also, don’t focus only on your product, just talk about everything they are doing around it. Learn how your product affects their life and not just how they use it.
This small book has some nice insights on this topic: “The Secret Product Manager Handbook" by @nilsie
@bethstachenfeld You should check out this great book - "The mom test" http://momtestbook.com
It's a great read, really practical and it helps you ask the right questions.
My main takeaways from your comments (and reading 75% of the Mom Test) are to push aside compliments in search of concrete answers and always ask “why.” Already I feel like my interviews are more valuable. Thanks :)
@bethstachenfeld I love what @mmargolis talks about for his research sprints:
More in-depth version of his talk here:
He breaks down how to set these meetings up well. Some of the best insights I get is at the end of the interview when you're winding things down. You ask customers "is there anything else you want to tell me about [product/service] that we didn't get to discuss?" Sometimes they recap what they said already. Sometimes you get an answer to a question that you never thought to ask.
@bethstachenfeld It starts with "What about this kind of task is a chore or a struggle?" At the end of the convo: "Is there anything else we've missed / haven't talked about?"
@bethstachenfeld I always ask "How did you find out about us" and follow up with "What were you hoping the product would do for you?". Gets at both the marketing channels that work as well as the user needs that got them interested.
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