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Zoltán Dániel Török
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I released my new application on the App Store - available for iOS and iPadOS!
Monthly Checklist is a simple, yet elegant application, which helps you keep track of your monthly expenses.
Just add your favourite streaming subscription to the list, together with your phone plan or your other loans that you have to pay every month.
When you open the app, you'll always know if you have...

Monthly Checklist - iOS Application
Keep track of your payments

Monthly Checklist is a simple, yet elegant application, which helps you keep track of your monthly expenses. Just add your favourite streaming subscription to the list, together with your phone plan or your other loans that you have to pay every month.

Monthly Checklist - iOS Application
Keep track of your payments

Zoltán Dániel Török
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I always liked good poker games with friends but I didn't like that I had to start the timer on my phone for example and check when the blind changes or breaks were due, so I created this simple Apple Watch app to help me and possibly others too in smoothing out the gameplay. In the app:
- you can set different level and break durations
- you can se the frequency of the breaks
Your watch will...

Blinds up! - Poker Blind Timer
Poker tracking on your wrist

Fancy a good poker game with your friends? Now it will be easier with the new Blinds Up! poker timer!
Simple, yet powerful and it's all you need for a good game!

Blinds up! - Poker Blind Timer
Poker tracking on your wrist

Learn a new language on your own pace with your own words. It's like your dictionary notebook back from the school but now it's digital.
Have as many dictionaries as you want and simply add your words, then practice and test your skills!

A new digital dictionary for you to learn new languages.

Zoltán Dániel Török
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I started learning German recently and even though all my notes are on my iPad and also my dictionary was hand-written in digital notes, I realized it's not the way for me to learn new words - what is usually the hardest thing for most of the people.
So, I decided to create a simple iOS application with which we can add our own words whenever I want, as we go on with our course/self-learning,...

A new digital dictionary for you to learn new languages.

An easy-to-use, powerful iOS app to help you keep all your recipes in one place.
Some of the cool features (more are coming soon):
-send your recipe easily
-export your recipe(s) in PDF
-sync across your devices

A digital cookbook for your iPhone and iPad

Zoltán Dániel Török
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In my free time I really enjoy cooking. Sometimes I just improvise, other times I look for a good recipe that I might save for myself for later.
And here came the problem. Sometimes I wrote it down on a paper, saved the website in the bookmarks, or saved the video in YouTube and so on... With this after a while I was having many recipes at different locations so I never knew where to look for...

A digital cookbook for your iPhone and iPad

It's an easy-to-use but still powerful app to help you keep all your recipes in one place across all your iOS devices.
Some of the cool features (more are coming soon):
- send your recipe easily
- export your recipe(s) in PDF
- sync across your devices

Nyamm - your new digital cookbook
Your new cookbook has just arrived to iPhone and iPad!

A simple but still useful app which helps you to keep track of your house cleanings, create a schedule for yourself, get reminded whenever a cleaning is due and manage your cleaning inventory - all in one place.

House cleaning reminder

Zoltán Dániel Török
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This is my first application which I created to help others struggling on having an always clean home. With this app I always know when, and where a cleaning is due - it helps to manage my schedule and saves me a lot of time.

House cleaning reminder