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Jon Yongfook
Meeting Experience is a real-time A.I. solution that makes meetings better by helping leaders be more inclusive and effective. We take our Leader Experience solution and put it with our Virtual Meetings Assistant solution for one great meeting experience.
qChange Virtual Meeting Experience
Using A.I. to make meetings better
Jon Yongfook
Create fully automated Zapier workflows that generate product banners, social media images and more
Bannerbear Zapier Integration
Bannerbear Zapier Integration
Generate graphics using Zapier automated workflows
Jon Yongfook
Airtable for Bannerbear enables you to generate beautiful social media graphics simply using an Airtable spreadsheet. Organize your data in Airtable, click one button, and see your images get generated in seconds.
Airtable + Bannerbear
Airtable + Bannerbear
Auto generate images using Airtable
Jon Yongfook
The Bannerbear API makes automated image generation super easy. Drag and drop objects in an all-new editor interface to design your templates, then generate variations via a simple REST API. There's even an integrated API test console :)
Bannerbear API
Bannerbear API
Generate design variations via API
Jon Yongfook
Bannerbear scans your site and imports titles, images and other contextually-relevant data. Bannerbear then automatically generates banner assets for you in different sizes, to use across multiple marketing channels such as Instagram and Pinterest.
Auto-generate IG Stories, Pinterest Pins and more
Jon Yongfook
Previewmojo is a tool that auto generates your social media preview images (open graph images) using your website meta data. Simply paste some code in your site and Previewmojo generates unique social media preview images for every page on your site.
Auto generate social media preview images
Jon Yongfook
Hi Hunters!
Today I'm launching Talkshow. It's sort of like a reddit forum for your team, but with mini video clips (max 1 minute) so you can see / hear your team mates more frequently :)
Discussion board for your team with mini video clips
Jon Yongfook
Tropic is a simple and free tool that lets you see where your remote coworkers are in their working day (and everyone can set their own unique working hours).
Remote team timezones in a simple UI