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Varsha Anil
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Cooking/ Baking has always been a way for me to relax. Although everyone at home are concerned about me cooking after a stressful day as they find cooking to be chore, I absolutely love it!
It's not a meal, but the essence of cooking that describes me as a person. What I mean by that is how the same set of ingredients are widely used to make a dozen dishes and yet they all taste so different...
If there was a self-cooked meal that best described you as a person, what would it be?
Stuti Agarwal
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Varsha Anil
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The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, both by Khaled Hosseini.
The Kite Runner helped me reason my belief of trust and companionship. How being brave enough to trust others impacts you and also how your relationship with the most important people change based on trust alone.
A Thousand Splendid Suns was an eye opener. This book helped me understand how important it was for women to...
What book, fiction/non-fiction, changed a part of you and how?
Stuti Agarwal
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Varsha Anil
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I dislike how monotonous life has become as you are always at home. This, I think, affects your productivity and creativity.
What challenges are you facing working remotely?
Satyajit Manjaria
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Varsha Anil
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I believed in seeds turning into trees inside our stomach too, hahaha!
Another thing I believed in was that if you touch one of your ear lobes, you have to touch the other one so that you don't lose your earrings
What was the strangest thing that you believed as a child?
Mayank Gupta
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Varsha Anil
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Anything related to nature. Beach, mountains, birds chirping, freshly watered garden and sunlight
What is the one thing that you love to wake up to?
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Varsha Anil
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Continue to sanitise your surroundings often, maintain distance and normalise wearing mask when you have a cold.
What changes will you bring with you when we eventually get back to normal?
Aaron O'Leary
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Varsha Anil
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What I've learnt through the pandemic is that it is okay to ask someone to stay away from you when they forget to maintain some distance between the two of you. We tend to think they might feel bad if we say so, but it's important that we do.
Also, not panic with increase in cases and remember to take some time off if things get overwhelming.
Lockdown is here again. Help us?
Raghav Goyal
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Varsha Anil
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It was something I hadn't paid much attention to until recently. My mental health has affected my work. It is easier to be productive when you are working in an office environment when you are working with a team as it helps improve morale and human interaction helps you think better.
Staying at home within a closed environment makes it harder to be productive and takes a toll on your mental...
Has your mental health affected your work and how?
Stuti Agarwal
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Varsha Anil
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Never hesitate to try something that you have always been curious about. You might discover something amazing out of your experience.
What golden nugget of information/hack do you have to share?
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Varsha Anil
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Baking, cooking, gardening and up-cycling old furniture
How cool would it be if everyone nurtured atleast one of their hobbies every week?
Raghav Goyal
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Varsha Anil
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I pick out the type of cuisine I am willing to try at the moment. Filter out restaurants based on the cuisine. Check Zomato first as it has the pricing, pictures, menu and reviews mentioned. If the restaurant seems interesting enough I check about the same on Google. I have found that Google has a better review audience.
The menu plays an important role here.
Who/What is your Zagat/Zomato guide?
Stuti Agarwal
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Varsha Anil
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Be more kind and forgiving to myself
What's one thing that you're trying to get better at this year?
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Varsha Anil
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Working around open minded people is important to get your creative mind working. It's important that everyone listens with an open mind and let's the person speaking finish their though process before they can give feedback or constructive criticism.
Why is your environment such a vital influence on your creativity?
Shivam Ramphal
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Varsha Anil
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I'm good at cooking.
I am almost always thrilled to share and receive any knowledge about food
It helps me calm down and unwind.
What are you good at? And how do you share your knowledge?
Sriharsha Karamchati
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Varsha Anil
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Traveling, and also when they get sick. You feel helpless.
What is the most difficult part of being a pet parent?
Begüm Bayram
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Varsha Anil
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The commute. Also the added advantage of not coming in contact with vehicles and pollution. Also appreciate the amount of fuel that's being saved
What is the good side of working remotely?
Vio from Selftalk
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