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Moderate makes your Twitter feed better by taking away bad interactions and highlighting good. We’re building AI and workflow tools to help you take control of your Twitter experience. Our initial product makes it easy to find, mute and block trolls.

Identify, mute, and block trolls in your Twitter feed

Ali Tehrani
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Really smart bunch of people working on this, i'm expecting great things.

Tune your latency and bandwidth between AWS and your users.

Find your competitors sales script

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
Hey congrats on the launch.

Hey Press
Free searchable database finds journalists for your startup

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
This is really useful! It's also great that there are so many new PR startups, the Gorkana/Vocus/Cision monopoly needs some competition.

PR Stack
All the tools you need for PR in one place.

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
Thanks Ed! Yeah sure :)

Find journalists that want to write about you

Ali Tehrani
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Thank you for adding this @nikitakorotaev. I'm looking forward to your feedback! We have just added a 50% off coupon for Product Hunters.
We spoke to a lot of journalists whilst building it and their number one concern was spam so we tried to make a useful product for startups that doesn't spam Journalists.
We use NLP to understand what Journalists like to write about and the CRM...

Find journalists that want to write about you

Ali Tehrani
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Do you ship to the uk?
Brain enhancing nootropics (pills) company based in SF

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
This is a great product! I've been using Nimble CRM to achieve this but have wanted a standalone app just for notifications.
Two suggestions for improvement:
1) linkedin integration as was already suggested.
2) suggestions for who you should keep in touch with based on number of interactions/similarity. It currently takes ages to go through every contact on FB and phonebook.
Overall, a...

A simple app that reminds you to keep in touch with people

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
This saves me so much time printscreening, sharing and then searching through chatlogs. Also great that it's getting so much action on producthunt.

Awesome link sharing/commenting with friends.

Ali Tehrani
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Have a look at the previous kickstarter campaign that missed its target:
Shows the power of a nice kickstarter video.

Coolest Cooler
A portable party disguised as a cooler

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
This is awesome, long term I could see it replacing some aspects of management consultancy, since a lot that they do consists of research reports.

Whale Path
Business Research On-Demand for Corporations

Ali Tehrani
left a comment
Thanks for posting this @nikitakorotaev :)
We love football but got annoyed with our timelines being overcome by football (& soccer :p) commentary, so we built it yesterday. Events like the world cup show the need for twitter to provide better filtering options.
It's built on top of "Open Tweet Filter"
Silencer looks great! There's...

Remove World Cup tweets from your timeline