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Somnath Sandeep
Co-founder/Co-creator, Habbit
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78 points
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
what about you? @thunderbird27
What type of work culture do you like and appreciate ?
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Oh god! Environmental design (space) and time constraints (time) can be one of the biggest drivers for creating new habits. Personally, I like design my environment in a way that it's life assertive. The easiest way to do it is by growing indoor plants. Also, evolutionarily our eyes we've been used to seeing plants and trees all the time, and I think it has a great impact on our mood....
Do you think Spaces and Architecture has Direct Impact on your mental health and Productivity ??
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
@yeshaswini one of my friends co-founded this recently to help connect people in need to resources: the fundamental problem rn is: 1) making sure the leads are verified 2) making sure they're on time, and updated these guys are constantly working on these 2 problems, and saving lives, in india.
COVID resources that you can use to offer help
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
hahaha, i'd like to know more of these. as of now, i've only watched silicon valley (not completely informative, more of edutainment). lmk if you've got more shows to share @yeshaswini
Netflix shows that are a mini MBA
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
firstly, gonna check out both home cooking and LRB conversations. i consume a lot of podcasts. i'm just gonna mention a couple on top of my mind. 1) "the lonely palette" ( tamar avishai does a great job in making art history more understandable, and digestible to public (much like making scientific research more accessible and consumable). 2) "dissect"...
We’re talking podcasts today. What are your favourite and why?
Stuti Agarwal
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
@mayank_gupta11 I think taking ample amount if breaks, and making sure your schedule is balanced is essential to prevent burnout. I try to do following things: 1) Avoid looking at my phone, or any digital medium for the 1st 1 hour after I wake up 2) Practice mindfulness not just as a meditation session, but taking out moments throughout the day to feel my sense, and internal state of mind 3)...
What is your way to prevent burnout?
Mayank Gupta
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
1) Writing clear, and understandable code. 2) Easily reproducible work - this expands the open source culture, and that truly moves ahead innovation, and development of human civilization 3) Proper crediting of sources - giving credit where its due is underrated but essentially so important
Habit !
Mayank Gupta
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
@mayank_gupta11do you mean people, or philosophies?
What inspired you to become what you are today?
Mayank Gupta
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Phantom Buster (
Any free/opensource marketing automation tools that you guys know of?
Raghav Goyal
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
To be frank, my Friday's usually end with mixed feelings/emotions. I look forward to the weekend, and at the same time, bear the load of all the "work" which has to be completed.
TGIF! Do you find Fridays more stressful or is it the most relaxed workday of the week?
Mrinalini Rabindranath
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Experiencing the world through alternate states of mind
An experience/opportunity that no one should miss out on?
Varsha Anil
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Turkish poached eggs on a sunday morning, or Goan fish curry on a saturday afternoon. Can you tell me more recipes of yours, which'd describe you as a person @stuti
If there was a self-cooked meal that best described you as a person, what would it be?
Stuti Agarwal
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Quite a lot of them! Will just name a couple on top of my mind. "Shadows of the mind" by Roger Penrose - shows how it's impossible for a computer (anything that passes the Turing test) to truly understand. Awareness is essential for understanding, and Penrose proves that through mathematical logic. He also explores few theories on consciousness. "The Conquest of Happiness" by Bertrand Russell...
What book, fiction/non-fiction, changed a part of you and how?
Stuti Agarwal
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
@weynspire Can you give me more context? Who is your target audience exactly? Age? I can help direct resources accordingly
Best way to reach students and graduates online
Fatoumata D.
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Omg, this is absolutely great, love the information design!
Privacy Policy Template by Juro
Get a privacy policy people can actually read
Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
I can't not appreciate an open source product, anytime, any day.
Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone
Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Hahahaha, to be very frank, I have a long list. However, the biggest one would be "not communicating". After all, we are human beings, and we can't simply understand, or read other people's minds. Communication alone can solve almost all the problem in the work place, I feel. @mrinalini_r Would like to know what's your biggest work pet peeve?
What's your biggest work pet peeve?
Mrinalini Rabindranath
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Hey there, @vhpoet The product is great. Being an avid reader, I absolutely love it. Lists really help (both private, and public). This is something Spotify nailed with playlists. It created a new type of listener - one who directly connects with emotions, moods and activities the playlist is associated with. Softening, and easing out the discovery process. I've seen that your...
Personal Libraries by Read This Twice
Organize book collection, create and share reading lists
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Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
Read This Twice
Books worth reading twice.
Somnath Sandeep
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4yr ago
I was part of lab which had really talented, and knowledge team members. However, it was a super busy lab. I learnt that it's always important to ask for whatever it is, be vocal about it. If one asks for it (whether it be a advice, seeking out a certain project/type of work, a new initiative), it makes it much easier for the rest of the team members to understand where you come from, and...
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had and what did you learn from it?
Mrinalini Rabindranath
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