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Search is shifting from Google to AI-chatbots and that's where new users will find you. Monitor what popular AIs are saying about your brand or company & keep track of how your product ranks in AI provided recommendations. Get email when answers change.

Track AI Answers
Google Alerts for AI: monitor brands on major AI platforms

Silver Keskküla
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Hi Product Hunt!
I'm Silver and I built trackAIAnswers. Here are my motivations for creating this product:
a) It's obvious that search is moving from google to AI-chatbots and that's likely where the new set of your users will find you.
b) Since users will be asking AIs for "Top 5 best products for doing X" etc. you definitely want to track and monitor that your brand is well presented in...

Track AI Answers
Google Alerts for AI: monitor brands on major AI platforms

Search is swithing from Google to chatbots and AI's. Track what all the Large Language Models are saying about your product, company or brand and get notified when the answers change. Prepare for the changing landscape of search by doing SEO for AI.

Track what all the AI chatbots are saying about your brand

Silver Keskküla
left a comment
Hi Product Hunt!
I'm Silver and I built Here are my motivations for creating this product:
a) It's clear that search is moving from google to ai chatbots and people will learn about your brand, product or company through AI answers.
b) Large Language Models can hallucinate and say things that might not be true. You might want to stay on top of what all the different AI models are...

Track what all the AI chatbots are saying about your brand

AI's are now search engines. Are you famous enough to have been encoded? Keep track of what different AI's say about the most important person in the world - yourself. Make sure they do not lie & hallucinate when it comes to the stuff that matters!

Have I Been Encoded
Keep track of what all the different AI's say about you

Silver Keskküla
left a comment
Hi Product Hunt!
I'm Silver and i built I had a few motivations for creating this site:
a) to find out if i'm important enough to be encoded into AI models or when does it happen
b) Large Language Models are going to be replacing search engines to a large extent and having them hallucinate things about me made me uneasy. I wanted to make it super simple to keep track of...

Have I Been Encoded
Keep track of what all the different AI's say about you

Silver Keskküla
left a comment
Hi, I'm Silver. Here's why I built this thing:
What problem is GrowOrPay solving?
GrowOrPay helps you fight procrastination by tapping into loss aversion and your distastes. Not meeting a growth goal in itself is often not a big enough incentive to stop some of us from procrastinating. We might feel disappointed, but failing to reach our goal won’t make us cringe. By tapping into loss...

Grow or Pay
Grow your follower count or your enemy gets your donation

Turn your hate into a growth hack!
A site that lets you commit to growing your social media followers or your enemy gets your donation. If this doesn't stop you from procrastinating then nothing will.
Giving $50 to your enemy feels like $200!

Grow or Pay
Grow your follower count or your enemy gets your donation

Silver Keskküla
left a comment
Inspired by the Twitter bot @BigTechAlert I built a bot called @SmallTechAlert to keep track of impressive one man companies. With the advances in AI tooling, I think the story of one man shows is just beginning!
What does @SmallTechAlert do?
Similarly to @BigTechAlert, @SmallTechAlert tweets about the actions of our heroes on Twitter. Who they follow or stop following, when do they get...

Small Tech Alert
@BigTechAlert but for indie devs, solopreneurs & ai-hackers

Inspired by the Twitter bot @BigTechAlert I built @SmallTechAlert to keep track of awesome one man companies. With the advances in AI tooling, the story of one man shows is just beginning!
Watch what indie devs, AI-hackers & solo-founders do on Twitter.

Small Tech Alert
@BigTechAlert but for indie devs, solopreneurs & ai-hackers

Ask a Local by Teleport
A Q&A community for people moving to a new city

Teleport Eightball
Compare your salary and costs of living in cities worldwide

New York Teleport
Find the cost & commute optimal place to live around NYC

Teleport Sundial
How distributed teams work well across timezones.

Free People Move Podcast
Talking to and about life in distributed teams.

Teleport Flock
Discover & budget group gatherings, anywhere in the world