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Shantanu Deshpande
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Still figuring out about impressing my boss with the best possible designs 🤣
What's on your mind today? 😊
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Fried Rice Flakes and a cup of ginger tea 😍🤤
What is your favorite breakfast food?
Armand Brouillard
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
I am doing the job in the field I always loved... So kind of into by hobby only daily.. and also making earning out of it 😉
How often do you engage in your hobby?
Iqra Arif
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Yes I play cricket to keep myself active... playing something with the friends with whom we have years of friendship...Help keeping things consistent..
Any fitness routines or sports?
Hamza Afzal Butt
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
As a employers it doesn't matter... sunday or monday... As a employee...nothing can do it...hence no solution
What is the most effective way to reduce Monday's stress?
Abdul Rehman
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Still trying to figure out...Thanks for asking this one 😅
How do you manage your time to stay active on Product Hunt while managing other responsibilities?
Hamza Afzal Butt
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Sometimes yesss! sometimes naaahhhh
Do you like work from home?
Tom Brat
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Thanks for raising this issue up.. Kind of went through all the answers...These days we're all messed up in handling things that we actually ignore health.. Earning money these days is another level of obsession/addiction
What do you do for your health?
Kelly Kim
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
The land full of opportunities: India
Which country is preferable for growing a startup?
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Never opt for data sharing when it comes to privacy! not only for AI, I mean it for every other platform... Use the AI as a mentor or guide to get the overview of solution not the crux of it..
How do you ensure data privacy when using AI tools?
Hiren Vaghela
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
For the customer, we use a very simple method which may sound odd to people but we prefer: Comparing: Cost invested in Generate Leads / Purchases with the actual revenue generated from thode leads/ purchases If the numbers are positive and in multiple figures with the investment, we're good to go. For example: $10 for a lead give you revenue to $100, the actual cost of product or service is...
How do you measure the ROI of digital marketing campaigns?
Abdul Rehman
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Write in a diary everyday and keep the track of it.. Though technology has expanded like anything but some traditional tricks are still the best choices to opt for.. Its working for me as a designer and product manager, would have a different take for other industries..
How do you set and track personal growth goals?
Udaya Sri
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
I would hire the best guys to get the idea and give them team to achieve goals while me sitting on beach with a martini :D
If you were given a team of pros and a million dollars, what business would you start today?
charles shiro
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Shantanu Deshpande
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7mo ago
Videos but not a flashy one like advertising the simpler ones which are dedicated towards conveying the message not bombing with the slides full of VFX stuff :D
Poll: What LinkedIn content do you prefer? GIFs/Videos/Images
Kostya Bolshukhin
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Shantanu Deshpande
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8mo ago
Slack 100/100 as its the perfect thing to keep team functioning properly while keeping all the work updates limited to particular departments/clients
Where does your team mainly communicate?
Daria Ofitserova
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Shantanu Deshpande
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8mo ago
WATI is what I preferred the most.. the have built-in tools for easy setup of chat-bot on website and everywhere, there app can be access at multiple places and setting up automation is too easy...
Which AI tool /chatbot do you prefer for handling your customers?
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Shantanu Deshpande
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8mo ago
Usually yes.. While working from Home.. the best thing I prefer is to listen to a podcast under my preferred genres... Literary all I do is take the headphones out when its not the meeting time and start the podcast and keep my work going..It somehow helps to focus as well
Do you prefer listening to podcasts or watching the same topics on YouTube?
Rupal Saini
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Shantanu Deshpande
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8mo ago
I guess from my perspective I think a founder should avoid: Micromanaging: Delegation of responsibility and the acceptance of trust in one's team are important. If you were to micromanage, this could stymie creativity and lower morale and so forth. Lack of Focus: Fixing on too many opportunities or pivoting too many times can dissipate energies and resources. It is critical to stay focused on...
What are the 3 things a founder should avoid doing?
Rohit Joshi
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Shantanu Deshpande
left a review
8mo ago
Great tool and a true deadline saver
Amazingly simple graphic design
Shantanu Deshpande
left a review
8mo ago
Great App Surely! but some of feature related to deleting old spam mails about updates and general marketing promotions should be there.
World's #1 free email service.