Sofia Sada

Sofia Sada

Co-Founder of Vinco
14 points
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Sofia Sada
Sofia Sada
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Congrats to the Ruta Health Team! A much-needed tool!
Ruta Health
Ruta Health
Finally, a real doctor friend to complement your healthcare
Sofia Sada
Sofia Sada
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Congratulations, Team Monto! Product is looking amazing!
The platform that revolutionizes the way employees get paid.
Sofia Sada
Sofia Sada
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Congratulations to the entire mello team! Looking great!
The new standard to measure, track and reduce burnout.
Sofia Sada
Vinco is addressing the large skills gap in LatAm by making it easy for companies to pay for their employees’ education and in turn improve employee retention.
Retaining employees in LatAm via education
Sofia Sada
Sofia Sada
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Congratulations to the Perfekto team! Love the idea and can't wait to see it in other MX cities.
Reduce food waste by getting ugly produce home-delivered