Samir Merrach

Samir Merrach

Software enginner
9 points
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Samir Merrach
Find anyone's work email instantly with our powerful API. Using first name, last name, and domain, we deliver over 98% accuracy in finding valid work emails. Perfect for outreach, lead generation, and sales, if we can't find it, no one can! Try it today!
Work Email Finder API
Work Email Finder API
Find Anyone's Work Email Instantly – Conquer Email Discovery
Samir Merrach
Elevate Your Tinder Game Today! Automate Your Swiping Process for Effortless Matches. Set Preferences, Sit Back, and Let SwipeMate Take Over. Save Time, Stay Within Tinder Guidelines, and Boost Your Chance for Meaningful Connections. Less Swiping, More Dating!
SwipeMate - AI driven Tinder Auto Swiper
SwipeMate - AI driven Tinder Auto Swiper
Auto-swipe on Tinder for more matches & better dates.
Samir Merrach
A great tool to Find profitable untapped Facebook™ interests other marketers and business owners didn’t already know about … effectively leapfrogging your competition ,and Speed up your research by saving you hours of manual work.
Audiencer - facebook interests Explorer
Audiencer - facebook interests Explorer
Uncover hidden interests from Facebook
Samir Merrach
Are you reading something on the Internet and you come across an unfamiliar word? We offer you the easiest way to quickly translate words and sentences without breaking away from work by just selecting it .
iTranslator - Select to Translate
iTranslator - Select to Translate
Translate selected text in the same tab !
Samir Merrach
facebook adFinder is a must have tool for marketeres and advertisers,it allows you to hide organic posts and show only sponsored ones to get some inspiration for your next ad campaign.
Facebook AdFinder
Facebook AdFinder
Show only sponsored posts on your Facebook feed
Samir Merrach
Samir Merrach
left a comment
so helpful.
Context Note
Context Note
take notes on the web with their context