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  • Sam Kamrani

    Sam Kamrani

    Doing cool stuff with AI
    148 points
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    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Marketplace for AI-Powered Services

    Hey PH, We have launched PromptIntellect, a marketplace for AI-powered services. We're working closely with early adopters (sellers and users), so if you want to be part of the program let me me know. https://promptintellect.com Cheers
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Build a SaaS in a single evening!

    Hi everyone, I'm sure you hear about all the happenings in the AI space, or rather, in every space thanks to AI, every day. I've been a technical founder for years, spending tens of thousands of dollars and making modest returns from various side hustles. I've tried SaaS, freelancing, and service-based businesses. I hated freelancing and service-based work because it involved more effort for...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    DoTenX, the open-source no-code platform dedicated to SMBs is available now. Only $1 per month!

    Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce that DoTenX, our open-source no-code platform is finally out of the beta phase. This has become possible with the feedback we've received across all the communities interested in no-code and especially quite a few members of this community who've been kind enough to share their valuable feedback with us. Check our platform and the pricing and yes, believe...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    left a comment
    Thanks for sharing your experience. It definitely was useful.
    Vedran Rasic
    we spent 10k on Product Hunt Ads โ€“ here's what we learned๐Ÿ‘‡
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    This is what the future looks like - ChatGPT + database ๐Ÿคฏ

    In this video, I show you how #ChatGPT answers my question about the data I have in my tables. ๐Ÿคฏ https://youtu.be/ePGzvNLKSJY I'll post new features integrating DoTenX with AI as we release them. Please support our open-source project: https://github.com/dotenx/dotenx
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Community dedicated just to landing pages

    Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹, We all know how important landing pages are. I've created a subreddit dedicated to landing pages. https://www.reddit.com/r/justlandingpage/ I invite you to join the community, get the best out of it and share your insights and experiences with others. The community will be very active, and we'll have very experienced UX designers, marketing experts, web designers and so on.
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    ChatGPT contributing to open-source project in action

    Everyone is using ChatGPT, so let me do my fair share too. I've been working on implementing the animations feature in DoTenX and after building the foundations, now it's time to add around 100 different animations. See how I use ChatGPT to help me in this PR. This PR will have a ChatGPT tag๐Ÿ˜‰ https://youtu.be/XSP8hwhF1cg You can also find the repository here: https://github.com/dotenx/dotenx
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Open-source alternative for bubble, webflow, carrd, zapier

    I'm excited to announce the release of DoTenX v3, an open-source alternative for bubble, webflow, carrd, zapier... Repository: https://github.com/dotenx/dotenx Visit https://dotenx.com
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    DoTenX simple mode is available now

    Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce that DoTenX simple mode is now available. DoTenX (dotenx.com) is the no-code platform that doesn't lock you in and gives you unique control over your application. Create your websites with DoTenX in simple mode and as you need more control you can switch to advanced mode https://youtu.be/vht3ZrpjlCQ
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    NoCode or CodeLess?

    Hey no-code fans, We at DoTenX(https://dotenx.com), have started to call our platform CodeLess. While CodeLess to some people means no-code, it means less-code to others. For example you can use the platform just to build the back-end with ReactJS UI, or you can build the entire web application with it. We believe CodeLess addresses the shortcomings of no-code and low-code to a good...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Build unlimited websites for free with DoTenX

    Hey folks, I'm founder of DoTenX (https://dotenx.com), an open-core, no-code platform. Just released the new version and wanted to announce, now you can build UIs of you websites too with DoTenX. DoTenX has a generous free plan, allowing you to build unlimited websites for free. The next step (after re-doing the landing page with DoTenX itself), is to launch the marketplace where you'll have...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Create custom UI components & design systems and share them with DoTenX

    The last thing we're working on before releasing version 2.0 of DoTenX (https://dotenx.com), is creating custom components and design systems and sharing them on DoTenX marketplace. With these features, you can design components in DoTenX UI Builder and with a click of button, put them on the marketplace and share them with everyone. It'll also be a great way to make money from simple HTML...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    We've build a no-code platform but we took a controversial design decision!

    We've built DoTenX (https://dotenx.com), but there is no dark-mode ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Everything is red! Since around 7-8 years ago I switched to dark mode and now almost everything on my laptop is in dark-mode, but when it came to building my own SaaS, a no-code platform to build applications or automations, I chose a very different colour scheme; I chose red. I wasn't really sure about the decision at the...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Add Authentication to your Webflow application without any backend code!

    Webflow is a great way to build the UI of web applications, and in this tutorial I demonstrate how you can use DoTenX to add the Sign-up and Sign-in functionalities to your website. https://blog.dotenx.com/add-authentication-to-your-webflow-without-any-backend-code-part-1-sign-up
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Is the term "Back-end" too technical?

    Hey no-code community, I'm building https://dotenx.com. It's an open-source "backend" and automation builder. I hope we have many non software developers here, and I have a question for you. Is the term "back-end" too technical? Is it clear enough how the applications can be broken into two parts of "front-end" and "back-end"?
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    No-code backend builder

    Hey everyone, I wanted to introduce DoTenX, an open-source no-code backend and automation builder. https://github.com/dotenx/dotenx DoTenX is currently in pre-alpha at the moment, but you can already do pretty cool stuff with it, like what I've demonstrated here: https://blog.dotenx.com/build-a-react-application-with-a-no-code-backend-dotenx-in-5-minutes Feel free to ask any questions you...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    No-code automation or SaaS factory!

    No-code fans, I've got some news that I believe will make many of you very happy. The first version of our No-code automation platform, Do10X, with an open-source engine, will be ready very soon. With Do10X, you can build automations for yourself (personal, business, or any other reasons), or you can build a no-code SaaS for your automations. Imagine building a SaaS was as easy as creating...
    Sam Kamrani
    Sam Kamrani
    started a discussion

    Would you pay for a service that reduces your cloud costs?

    Would you pay for a service that gives you full-visibility over your cloud costs and gives you AI-powered recommendations to reduce the costs? The visibility, budget control and recommendations will be far beyond what cloud providers give you out of the box. Also, No charges if it doesn't save you money.