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Patrick Ryan
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Nice tool! Always so much value in making people's admin / boring tasks more straightforward :-)

Interactive global sales tax guide
Find out if you are compliant with global sales tax and VAT.

Patrick Ryan
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great product, world class team

Build collaborative buyer journeys in 30 seconds

Patrick Ryan
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Still haven't tried the product, but Mahyad, Ali and Saurav are a great team. I have faith this will be awesome. Looking forward to giving it a whirl!
The browser that makes YOU fast

Patrick Ryan
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Great work Tim, this is a really useful resource for founders!
See which tools are powering the best D2Cs

Patrick Ryan
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Well done Harvey, Rory and the rest of the team! Amazing watching Blueprint develop, this company has huge potential.
Enabling brands + creators to sell inside SMS and WhatsApp

Patrick Ryan
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Great work @harveyhodd !
Where do the ratings come from for the different tools?
SMS Marketing Examples
The world's best SMS marketing case-studies

Patrick Ryan
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Great product, great team. I'm already an annual subscriber.

Genuine Impact
Find your next great investment idea