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Rhona Aylward
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Are you recording it in house or getting your voiceover artist to record in their studio? If you do it in house & don't have a room set up, make sure you have a recording booth. We've got a DIY one that we made out of a box insulated with acoustic foam & it works really well.
Promotional videos
Kay Cochrane
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Rhona Aylward
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My top tip would be always have a pre written script that you've gone through at least once before you begin recording.
Promotional videos
Kay Cochrane
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Rhona Aylward
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What a wonderful post @panphora! Thanks for sharing.
How I failed at launching on Product Hunt...
David Miranda
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Rhona Aylward
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Examples using all the different programming languages they can work in
Hey tech employers, what do you wish to see in a junior dev portfolio?
Huaiyu Khaw
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Rhona Aylward
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I came across this list: I can't vouch for its accuracy but it might be worth looking at.
What other platforms could be used to share our new app?
Andreea Balasa
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Rhona Aylward
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Hi everyone, I'm a first time host too and would love to connect with other people hosting in Wellington, New Zealand and anywhere else in NZ.
Meetup Hosts Planning For Jan 28 Event: Questions & Answers
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Rhona Aylward
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If there was one thing you could fix with "insert subject of choice" right now, what would it be?
What do you ask your customers?
Corey G ™
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Rhona Aylward
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I'm really glad to hear that too. At one of my companies we've got the problem that someone got the company name before we did. They are completely inactive - they even have the old egg profile picture, but Twitter won't help. Maybe we'll be able to get it now :-)
Do you agree with Twitter removing old accounts?
Aaron O'Leary
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Rhona Aylward
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Mine is getting visibility with a limited marketing budget.
Makers, what's your greatest marketing challenge?
Aaron Marco Arias
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Rhona Aylward
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I try to keep weekends as free as possible. I'm really busy during the week and need weekends to do chores otherwise they don't get done. On saying that I usually end up working for a couple of hours on a Sunday, more if there's a deadline looming.
What do you prefer doing on your weekends?
Calum Webb
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Rhona Aylward
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That's a very interesting question! I wonder how it's going to work globally given different privacy requirements in different countries, particularly around storing and processing personal data.
Google now owns Fitbit. Should advertising companies own wearables data?
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Rhona Aylward
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Same as @abadesi and I also go to local start up events. I'm a member of a couple of relevant associations as well. If you've got a local economic development agency they usually have fantastic events & free training as well.
Where do you go to learn more about business/startups?
Brandon Clark
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Rhona Aylward
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Hi Andy, I'd love to know if Angel investors value companies that have bootstrapped for a while (>1 year) before looking for investment, or do they prefer to get in early before there is any real revenue?
Hi I'm Andy, ask me anything about bootstrapping, angel investing and portfolio careers.
Andy Ayim
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Rhona Aylward
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I block ads on certain websites. I do it because a) I get fed up of seeing adverts for products that I've already bought and b) because some ads end up taking over the whole screen rendering the site unusable.
Do you use ad-blockers when browsing online?
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Rhona Aylward
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Yes, we have a group of informal advisers that we contact on an ad hoc basis. We know all of them in real life & they consist of our accountant, lawyer, business coach and trusted business owners. It works really well for us, we did consider having a formal advisory board, but in all honesty, we're too small for that at the moment and the costs are prohibitive at this time.
Do you have informal advisors?
Jānis Kiršteins
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Rhona Aylward
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I've been thinking about this and I wonder how successful Product Hunt would be without the big companies launching here? People are attracted because there are big companies launching, therefore small companies that launch here get more attention than they would get otherwise as a result.
Is it a little annoying that big companies launch products we already know about on Product Hunt?
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Rhona Aylward
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@shraddhasrivastava posted a blog about launching here a couple of days ago. We're in a similar point of pre-launch and it was really useful. Here's a link in case you missed it. Good luck for your launch!
Tips for a successful Product Hunt launch?
Dmitry Gaiduk
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Rhona Aylward
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Thanks for sharing this, we're going to be launching soon so it's great to get lessons learned from someone who has gone there before us!
Learnings from our first Product Hunt Launch!
Shraddha Srivastava
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Rhona Aylward
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Yes, I've deleted a few. I'm amazed at the amount of permissions some apps ask for, games being particularly bad.
Have you ever deleted an app due to privacy concerns?
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Rhona Aylward
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I really like this idea. Is there somewhere on the website to download the app? I know it's available on the app stores but it might be useful to have links to them on the website as well. Just my 2c worth.
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