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Ian Lurie
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I am a terrible salesperson, so I've always used training to attract clients. But that means slide decks, blog posts, or "one way" video. Zero interactivity and no lead qualification. eWebinar is sales for introverts: I can take a video and add interactions. User responses help me qualify leads. Then I nurture leads accordingly. The audience doesn't have to hear my sales pitch - if they just...
Turn any video into an interactive, automated webinar

Ian Lurie
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I can't say enough about this supplement. A lot of Dungeons and Dragons prepackaged stuff is pretty awful, cliche and full of plot holes. This campaign setting can take characters from level 1 upward to level ??. The stories are intricate but tight. The world is complete, so you can let characters roam freely. Thumbs up.

Princes of the Apocalypse
A D&D supplement player's companion.

Princes of the Apocalypse
A D&D supplement player's companion.

One Trick Ponies Get Shot
How consulting businesses can avoid the vendor trap

Critical Thinking for the Discerning SEO
SEO advice that isn't "links, links, links"

Ian Lurie
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I wrote this a few years ago. It's one of those things where you think "Oh, of course everyone knows this," but unless you're in the thick of it, marketing-wise, it's not that obvious.

Click worth calculator: Lead-based business
Calculate the value of a click to your web site: lead-based

One-Trick Ponies Get Shot
Digital Marketing Strategy in a Nutshell

TitansGrave, the Videos
Wil Wheaton. Role Playing Games. Need I say more?

Kobold's Guide to Worldbuilding
Essays on the creation of worlds, from geology to politics

Random 5e D&D NPC Generator: Total Party Kill
Generate stats, etc. for NPCs

Ian Lurie
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Keeps getting better and better. Thanks guys - this makes my life easier all the time.

1Password 6.2 for iOS
Simple digital security with extra iOS 9 super powers!

Ian Lurie
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I'm... not quite sure what to make of this.

Pavlovian conditioning for humans

Roll20 Online Virtual Gaming Table
Online tabletop toolset for RPGs

Roleplaying Tips
Lots of tips and advice for RPG players

Click worth calculator: Lead-based business
Calculate the value of a click to your web site: lead-based

Click value calculator: Retail
Calculate the value of a click to your e-commerce website

Donjon: d20 Random Dungeon Generator
Random Dungeons and Dragons map generator