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  • Ojelola Ojelabi

    Ojelola Ojelabi

    Social media marketing specialist
    86 points
    All activity
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
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    Truths about Product Management

    What are some non-negotiable truths about project management you know?
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    left a comment
    Congratulations on the launch guys🎉
    WorkHub Scheduling
    Affordable appointment scheduling for teams and individuals
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion


    I am presently at a phase where I try to network and meet with as much people as I can. Naturally this would be to grow my network and get more leads for my career, but surprisingly this is borne out of a zeal to learn from as many experts as possible. I want to know about their experiences, their growth and every other thing that makes the people I meet themselves . I would love to...
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Social Media Growth

    I was on a call with a prospect recently, and he asked me to provide concrete figures he could expect once the project began. 😑😑 I had to explain how exact results can never be predicted on social media and how my providing him with one would be blatantly lying to him. You can never ascertain the results of a social media campaign; it's just not possible. 🤷 What I do is ensure that adequate...
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Your audience is always right. 100%

    That's the thing about creating a brand, a company, or a personal brand. What "others," think matters. They are your audience. How they perceive you should be considered. It doesn't mean changing who you are. It means understanding: - Why Do They Come - Why do they stay - Why do they buy
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Social Media Marketing for Startups

    Founders and business owners must understand that social media marketing is a game of trial and error. In my opinion, there's absolutely no guarantee that a strategy will be successful until you test, tweak and test again. That's the secret to successful growth campaigns. Test, Tweak, and Test again.
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Brand Identity

    Brand identity is something I regard should never be compromised when trying to grow; growth will eventually come, but messing up your brand Integrity to get there would catch up with your brand. This is precisely why I hate the saying, "Bad press is better than no press" I think the bad press will mess up your brand when everything has settled and the excellent press sets in. If you are...
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Customer Research

    What type of customer research do you conduct and how often? (depending on the state of your startup or company)
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion


    When was the last time that you wondered about a politician’s likability?
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Society Improvement

    What do you think can improve society through technology and communication in the means of news (TV) social media/radio (communication)
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion


    How do you think TV can simplify politics? what would they have to do?
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Work-Life Balance

    How to keep a work-life balance, in a startup where you work 90+ hours a week?
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch guys
    Run better meetings
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    Growth Hacking

    Other than paid tools, are any free tools worth using for growth hacking?
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    Ojelola Ojelabi
    started a discussion

    User Engagement

    How do you find which features to build first, when all of them have to do with user engagement?