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Matthieu Varagnat
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When moon sir? You need a second version "FOMOBUY", to empty your bank account instead
Panic Sell
Weak hands? This is the fastest way to sell your BTC

Matthieu Varagnat
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Opsec teams are the modern times unsung heroes. Sqreen makes it really easy to do it well!

Sqreen API
A security toolbox for developers

Matthieu Varagnat
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@chrismessina Chat Extensions seems the biggest deal of all, don't you think ? While 1-1 bots were somewhat differentiated from apps and websites (with some advantages and disadvantages), group bots can provide functionality / remove friction to group interactions in a really unique way (not unlike the most populat Slack apps). The enhanced virality is of course very exciting too (much more...

Messenger Platform 2.0
Discovery, chat extensions, and richer experiences

Matthieu Varagnat
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This is absolutely fascinating. Very interesting to see how adding items to a stable solution breaks equilibrium. This is the sort of tool that can foster imaginative solutions to existing problems, simply by helping visualize/prototype them
A tool for thinking in systems

Matthieu Varagnat
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Useful. Signing up!

The Counterpart
Curated news articles, that you would have never read

Matthieu Varagnat
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Useful idea, and elegant implementation

A Slack app to create spoiler alerts in your channels

Matthieu Varagnat
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Congratulations @paul__walsh, I know for a fact that this tool is really needed by the Slack/Messenger bot creators community. I am going to use it with @smooz_io to keep my users informed of the latest features and events. Thank you!

Buffer for bots. Powerful analytics and messaging

Matthieu Varagnat
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Upvoted, if only for the great maker-jitsu and the useful write-up for fellow makers. Thanks!
All your receipts, invoices, and payments in one place.

Matthieu Varagnat
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Thank you @tombenattar for hunting RemindMe :-)
I used to be a very heavy user of calendars to set reminders, of tasks to do, errands to run, things not to forget and so on. After seeing how useful reminders chatbots could be (slackbot /remind command, or various Facebook bots) I realize how much more conveniently it could be done, using chat commands. I have made RemindMe first and foremost...
The most convenient reminders, on Facebook Messenger

The most convenient reminders, on Facebook Messenger

Matthieu Varagnat
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Amazing app. Are you currently working on reducing its memory requirements, perhaps even as a mobile app?
AI powered filters for images & video, runs locally on OS X

Matthieu Varagnat
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Many developers talked about that problem but it seemed a very tough nut to crack. Congratulations on the launch! Do you have any examples to share on mistakes caught?
Bot analytics and insights delivered to your Slack team

Matthieu Varagnat
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Hooks bot looks interesting. The killer feature will be to add it as an IFTTT channel!

Hooks Bot
Easiest way to stay up to date on anything through Messenger

Matthieu Varagnat
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Sign-in with Slack is a great feature, and we're proud to have partnered with them for the feature launch. It enables us a to offer a shared workspace between two slack teams, including shared channel and todo list

Sign in with Slack
Let users login to your site with Slack

Matthieu Varagnat
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Everybody is talking about conversational commerce but to me, Kip is the first to propose an elegant workflow in Slack. I'm really interested to see if teams pick up the usage. @alyxmxe what was the inspiration behind Kip?

AI chat-bot that shops for you and your team

AI chat-bot that shops for you and your team