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Matt Morris
Founder, Coder, Designer, Builder
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2 Reviews
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Matt Morris
left a comment
2yr ago
This is such a fun and original idea! I'll definitely be signing up 🙂 Congrats on the launch, @tiagorbf!
Indie Lottery
Win and increase your website traffic
Matt Morris
left a comment
2yr ago
Sometimes (always?) the simplest solutions are the best. This is so cool, Marc, congrats on launching it!
50 Hacks
Top productivity tips chosen by the internet, and you
Matt Morris
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2yr ago
Congratulations on the launch, @cashewsfinance and team! This looks like a fantastically easy to use new approach to managing your finances. There are a lot of budgeting apps out there, but honestly even after I set them up, I never end up using them because they require a lot of upkeep. Cashews solves that problem for realsies. Excellent work!
Cashews for iOS & Android
Smart no-budgeting app that knows what's safe to spend
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
BitsForDigits is such a valuable part of the acquisition scene. Love that the team is continuing to make massive improvements and really push things forward. Congrats on launching v2.0!!
BitsForDigits 2.0
Acquisition marketplace for profitable internet businesses
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Growing your following is *hard*! Having a dashboard to help see what you need to do next is super valuable if you want to do all the right things. Congrats on the launch, Pascio!!
Twitter Growth Notion Dashboard
A Notion Dashboard to help you grow on Twitter
Matt Morris
left a review
3yr ago
I've been using Hivoe for quite a while and I honestly love it. I'm constantly getting asked what tool I'm using for my auto-DM when I get a new follower, so there seems to be a ton of...
Read More
Nurture your Twitter following through direct messages
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
I've been using Hivoe for quite a while now, and honestly it's helped me start a ton of great conversations. In fact, people who follow me on Twitter *regularly* ask me what tool I'm using to DM them, and I'm always glad to let them know. There are a lot of Twitter tools out there, Hivoe is one of the best. Highly recommend! Congrats on the PH launch, Luca!
Nurture your Twitter following through direct messages
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
The site looks great! Congrats on the launch Rich 👏
Monthly Makers Club
Build, market and launch your MVP in 30 days
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Hey Dilpreet, this looks like a cool project! I've actually been looking for some more interesting backgrounds recently, so this is perfect. Congratulations on the launch!!
Super designer
Design tools that give you super powers
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Just joined WBE Space recently, it's been awesome. Congrats on the PH launch, Tiago!
Wannabe Entrepreneur Space
Turn your ideas into businesses
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
This looks fantastic! Congrats on the launch. I've seen you on Twitter as an expert on Notion for a while now, love that others will be benefiting from your extensive knowledge 👏👏👏
Never rebuild project management system in your Notion again
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Hey Falak, this looks really useful, and I love how you built it with Google Sheets. That way you can spend your time on the value-added parts and not messing around with code the whole time. Congrats on shipping, looks excellent.
Google Sheets Ad Booking System
Book more sponsors with self-serve ad-booking system, 0% fee
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Wow, Ved. Congrats to you and your team on LeadDelta, it looks fantastic. Even just your roadmap is an inspiration! Keep up the good work.
LeadDelta 2.0
LinkedIn CRM for professionals & teams
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Hey Jha, congratulations on launching! Nawvel looks v cool. Totally agreed that it is super hard to find the signal in all this noise!
Discover resource collections & build your lifebook
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
I literally have this problem ALL. THE. TIME. Fantastic work Desmond! Congrats on the launch!
Actually read your bookmarks later
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Congrats on the launch @falak_sher! This looks like a great list of tools.
SaaS Starter Kits
50+ SaaS starter kits, 20 open-source, 30 paid
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Hey @anitakirkovska congrats on the launch! Biyo looks great, I just played with it a bit and it seems like a super easy way to build a good looking portfolio site. Nice!
Personalize your portfolio and get more deals
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
@buu_nguyen congrats on the launch! Visily solves a real problem and does a great job of doing so. If you're mocking designs, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
AI-powered collaborative design software for non-designers
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
I've been looking for something like Sonero for a long, long time. What a fantastic product. Congratulations on shipping, team!
Notes, analytics, coaching, better meetings with AI
Matt Morris
left a comment
3yr ago
Listen, the no-code world is huge right now. You could spend hours investigating every tool and try to figure out what to use to meet your needs, or you could use Katt's awesome no-code guru tool and know in just a few minutes which tools to focus on. I think it's clear which choice to go with. What an awesome tool. Congrats on the launch Katt! 👏👏👏
No-Code Guru
A wise tool advisor for beginner No-Code makers