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Michael Nolivos
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My wife and I loved the Breathwork sessions that mixed modern dance music with Breathwork.
Guided breathwork to shift your state

Michael Nolivos
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Great work. I’m building an MVP for a business idea ASAP on top of this as I think this was a missing piece for generating dynamic video content. You deserve all of the praise and money that is hopefully coming your way.
You’ve hinted rendering was a bit slow. Can you confirm if rendering using an Apple M1 chip would be faster?
Create videos programmatically in React

Michael Nolivos
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I work remotely in the library. I have a laptop on a stand. I get people literally interrupting me and asking me where I got my stand. The RioRand. I’m not an affiliate, I want to help people who see this; it’s available to buy now.
The most versatile book, tablet & laptop stand

Michael Nolivos
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I used Cruip for the landing page, ConvertKit for the subscribe page, and Netlify for simple static website hosting.

Make better refactoring decisions

Michael Nolivos
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Hey, I'm making RefactorKit which has similar goals but is more aligned with large refactoring efforts.
Share your code instantly for refactoring and code review

Michael Nolivos
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Hey all, maker here; ask me anything. I'm interested to understand if your team has ever regretted a refactoring decision. There have been studies published on a process for refactoring, but people don't read at scale. I want RefactorKit to be an equilibrium between having a well-defined process for refactoring and being simple for devs to use.

Make better refactoring decisions

A workflow engine for development teams to make consistent, predictable & successful refactoring decisions. Happier & smarter development teams.

Make better refactoring decisions