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Angi Bowman
CRO Manager @ Lucky Orange 🍊
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152 points
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Angi Bowman
left a comment
1yr ago
Some companies have already done layoffs to replace with AI, but that's few and far between. It's not so much that AI will take your job as much as it is you need to be able to use AI in your job. Leverage AI rather than fear it, and learn how to make it work for you. Work smarter, not harder!
Can AI lead to job loss? Your opinion?
Mahela De Silva
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Angi Bowman
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1yr ago
This may be a great time to look at influencers in the investment space. Don't be spammy, and definitely do your research. Connect with them in a non-salesy way to invite them to give your platform a whirl. Keep the conversation going with them to get the feedback you need. Since you have such a specific niche, you should get some nibbles with invites for beta access.
Support for Beta Testers
Slim Geransar
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Angi Bowman
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1yr ago
Hunters have a lot of benefits, but you aren't screwed if you opt against it. If you look at the top hunters, they have some amazing successes and some duds. It's the same if you hunt yourself. I agree that building a community is the real key, but unfortunately that's easier said than done.
Get established product hunter or launch myself?
Slim Geransar
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Angi Bowman
left a review
1yr ago
I would give this a 10 star rating if I could! I use Sider every single day to do just about everything - checking my grammar, creating email/review responses, simplifying technical jargon, etc....
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Sider: ChatGPT sidebar Chrome extension
AI & You work side by side on any page
Angi Bowman
left a comment
1yr ago
Sider is my favorite Chrome extension, and Sider 4.0 is even better. I first learned about Sider at a conversion conference over the summer, and I now use it daily. It's an integral part of my tech stack, and I tell anyone and everyone about it. It truly makes my life so much easier, and I can't imagine my life without Sider!
Sider 4.0
Group chat with multiple AI bots to reduce hallucinations
Angi Bowman
left a comment
2yr ago
It looks so cool! Plus for that price it's hard to pass it up. That being said, I have a few issues. 1. Make it clearer that they should check their inbox FIRST before downloading the extension. If not, you get caught in a loop. Because it blocks the entire inbox until you enter the product key, I couldn't get the product key. 2. For some reason the background won't load for me. I use the...
Mailtaco for Gmail
The Gmail experience you deserve with one Chrome extension
Angi Bowman
left a comment
2yr ago
My additions: * On-site surveys * Customer interviews * Beta testers * Networking at conferences (you may be surprised how many use your product!)
How do you get testimonials for your product?
Sveta Bay
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
We shifted to better onboarding. It doesn't matter how easy your product may be to use. If your users can't find value within their first visit after signing up, it's going to be a harder task to get them back into the app to upgrade.
What small change helped improve your customer retention rate?
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Angi Bowman
left a comment
3yr ago
- Setting boundaries to avoid work seeping into home life. If I'm constantly having to work late, my manager needs to know and I need to re-evaluate my work load. - Making sleep a priority. You can't recharge your batteries if you're running on empty. - Getting outside. A walk around the block does wonders for my battery, especially if it's with my wonderful husband. It's a time to vent,...
What are simple ways to recharge your batteries?
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Angi Bowman
left a comment
3yr ago
I love this question! - Wake up: 7 AM. If it's going to be a hot day, I'll get up at 6 AM to get in my daily walk when it's cooler - Shower/get dressed - Start a load of laundry, make the bed and wash any dishes from my kids' breakfasts - Get our senior cat set up for the day - If I grab coffee on the way to work, I'll grab some breakfast. If not, I'll skip breakfast. (I know, I know) Once...
What does your morning routine look like?
Martina Hackbartt
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
Financially - My husband worked sales in the occupational med industry, and his company didn't respond to it well. Changes were made that severely limited our income, such as slashed commissions, mandatory PTO, salary reductions, etc. He thankfully found a new job at the end of the 2020 at least, though that company had its own host of problems coordinating in a post-COVID world. Mentally -...
How has the coronavirus affected you?
Umer Aqeel
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Angi Bowman
left a comment
3yr ago
My top three lessons: - This may not be an opinion shared by others within this community, but online communities for PH On Facebook, Slack, Reddit and LinkedIn were flops for us. Even though we were actively engaged within these groups for months before our hunt, the return wasn't there. Most of the time "online communities" meant that everyone spammed within these pages on the day of their...
Experience of PH launch fails?
Madi Aslan
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+1 comment
Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
My kids don't. My oldest read Tin Tin when he was around 7 years old, but he hasn't picked up anything since. They both love Marvel but stick to the movies only.
I have a quick questions for parents
Pathange Balaji Rao
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
What else have you done since planning your launch? If you haven't already, your assets need to be done soon. Get all of your details finalized and ready to go. If you haven't tested your website to make sure it can take the load of the traffic increases, now is a good time. If you can, I would start reaching out to your mailing list/audience of current users to see who is already on PH. ...
Launch strategies
Tanya Gupta
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
I wouldn't touch that offer with a 10-foot pole. As others have mentioned, it's a violation of the PH terms. The ramifications of using it far surpass any benefits. In addition, while getting to the #1 product is the overall goal to get more eyes on your hunt, it's not worth it in my opinion if it's not driving feedback or sign-ups within your product.
Paid ProductHunt Upvotes?
Ahmed Saleh
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
Personally I would split it into manageable quarterly OKRs rather than annual or longer. Our team works better with actionable bites of OKRs on a quarterly basis which then allows us to adjust for the next quarter as needed.
What OKR to start with?
Lena Krzemieniewska
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
One of our struggles has been that we don't have one distinct target market. We can be used by technical developers to the newbie Shopify merchant. Because there's not one specific audience, we have struggled to gain momentum to increase engagement.
What was your biggest struggle when you started building a community?
Maria Korinskaya
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Angi Bowman
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3yr ago
I used to think that multitasking maximized my productivity, but the older I get, the more I realize that's not the case with my professional life. If I'm at home, multitasking may be cooking dinner while helping a kid with homework and doing dishes. Each of these tasks don't require my complete attention for the full duration though, so managing it all doesn't require an incredible amount of...
How Does Multitasking Impact Overall Productivity?
Elena Cirera
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Angi Bowman
left a comment
3yr ago
Where was this 4 years ago @bradley_friedman? Great job team!
Dino Game
Compete against the world in the much beloved Dino game
Angi Bowman
left a comment
3yr ago
Looks great! Congrats on the launch, team!
Modern enterprise grade data platform