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The Humane Tech Library
Products and design patterns that respect your attention

Sotion lets you add password access to your Notion page. Put your Notion page at your own domain with a password access page in front of it.
Password access for Notion pages

Louis Barclay
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Hi everyone!
I made Sotion because @syedaliahmed, who's a customer of my other startup,, wanted to password-protect the investor data room for his startup Robomart, which was hosted on Notion.
I set up Ali's solution last week and then realised there could be a product here, so I created Sotion!
You can try out Sotion at its own landing page, using password...
Password access for Notion pages

Louis Barclay
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Hi everyone! Louis, the other founder of customDomainer here.
Just wanted to let you know that we rebranded as Cloakist, so please come check us out there if you need a custom domain for your public site.
We offer a completely free trial, so you can get set up and then decide if you want what we're offering.

Put any site behind your custom domain

Stuck on a platform which doesn't offer custom domains or branding? Zorro was built for you.
Turn links like into
Replace logos and branding on public pages with your own branding (ClickUp, Notion, & more)
Zorro by Cloakist
Unlock custom domains and branding on every platform

Louis Barclay
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tl;dr: here's a live example:
Put any form or survey at, and brand it

Easily add custom domains and branding to your forms and surveys. Turn into Works for every popular form/survey platform (Airtable forms, Google Forms, Jotform, Typeform, and more).
Put any form or survey at, and brand it

Easily mask your public Trello boards with custom domains, your own branding and Google analytics. Turn into
Custom domains, branding and analytics for Trello

Easily add custom domains, analytics and social metatags to your RoamResearch.
Custom domains, analytics and SEO metatags for RoamResearch

Louis Barclay
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Hi PH!
Over the years, I've had to drop a tonne of SaaS platforms after investing time and energy into setup, because of core missing features.
Most recently, we had to drop Confluence as our knowledge base because it doesn't support custom domains! Our customers aren't happy receiving ugly URLs from a domain they haven't seen before.
We built Cloakist to solve this — it lets you add custom...

Custom domains and analytics for Notion, Trello and more.

Customize and whitelabel all your public sites. Change URLs like to Add analytics, livechat, email capture and social metatags to any page.

Custom domains and analytics for Notion, Trello and more.

Louis Barclay
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Hi PH!
I'm the maker of Unweb, adblock for distractions.
If you get sucked in easily by things like feeds, suggested articles, and related videos when you visit a site like Facebook, YouTube, Reddit or Twitter, Unweb's for you.
Unweb hides those distractions behind a white box by default. There's a button so you can opt into a distraction when you need it — so you don't lose any...

Adblock for distracting crap like feeds and related content

Unweb is adblock for distractions. Hide never-ending feeds, related articles, and suggested videos on sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Opt back into distractions using the 'Show' button. Lose the temptation, not the functionality.

Adblock for distracting crap like feeds and related content

Louis Barclay
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Hey @ethan_yu @omid_rooholfada2 @harry_qi ! Really nice work. I just managed the classic blunder of releasing a competitor product to yours on PH on exactly the same day. Any interest in working together?

Never get distracted on the internet again

Louis Barclay
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Hi everyone!
Nudge has a bunch of different interventions that are designed to help you stay away from addictive sites without getting so intrusive that you want to delete it altogether. It's also fully opt-in, so you choose exactly how to get nudged.
My theory (inspired by the Nudge concept in economics) is that a layer of clever design can undo much of the damage of products designed to...

Don't block the internet, nudge it

Nudge makes the internet less addictive without blocking it: by removing addictive features, putting friction in the right places, and visualising how much time you’re spending. 💎 Bonus: it lets you delete your Facebook News Feed across all devices.

Don't block the internet, nudge it