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  • Ekaterina Arbuzova

    Ekaterina Arbuzova

    Content writer for deks πŸ’‘
    107 points
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    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    started a discussion

    Eliminate these 5 objections first for great sales

    One key factor that prevents people from buying your product is not necessarily its quality or perceived ineffectiveness. Most often, you have failed to address these five objections that prevent them from even considering buying it: 1) "This doesn't apply to me." 2) "It's not as important as my other problems." 3) "Is it really that simple to use?" 4) "Will I look foolish to my friends if I...
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    left a comment
    Congrats on your launch! I'll try Govar myself and recommend it to friends who are studying English.
    Practice speaking English with people from other countries
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    left a comment
    Adopt: post daily on my socials Abandon: postponing my dreams to a more "suitable" time
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    What's one habit you aim to adopt and one you wish to abandon?
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    Join the discussion
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    started a discussion

    What is your product’s primary growth engine?

    Is it SEO, paid ads, word-of-mouth, sharing content, or something else?
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    left a comment
    Great question. I'd appreciate someone leaving practical advice in this discussion.
    Richard Gao
    Anyone have good free courses or advice to grow on twitter?
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    started a discussion

    Here's how we got 100+ beta testers on Reddit in just one month

    Hey, guys! πŸ‘‹ We all know that building your audience before the launch is crucial. Many of us use Twitter, LinkedIn, Product Hunt and other socials for this purpose. Today, I’d like to focus on Reddit and share key insights my team has gathered in the past 2 months. Just a quick background story: We created a new subreddit and started posting actively two months ago. First five days, we had...
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    left a comment
    That's inspiring! I wish you good luck with your new product :)
    Marc Lou
    Launching a startup in 3days β€” a story about fighting founder procrastination
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    Ekaterina Arbuzova
    left a comment
    Congratulations on the launch! πŸš€ Would love to try it and see if it works for me)
    A free platform for mentoring and personal development