Kacper Raubo

Kacper Raubo

Working on Websys and Teleport
97 points
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Kacper Raubo
There are app stores, which categorize native apps and create definitive collections of them. For web apps, there was no such place. We create Services to gather all interesting web apps in one place, so that searching them is quick and convenient.
General space with web apps
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Is it possible to completely replace native applications with web ones?

What limits do you see? During some discussion (https://www.producthunt.com/discussions/figma-and-spline-have-revolutionized-the-graphics-editing-software-market-but-what-about-videos), @kevin_t said he has worked in places, which for a security reason don't allow for web software to be used. Have you encountered such a restriction?
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Figma and Spline have revolutionized the graphics editing software market. But what about videos?

I create Services, where I gather the most interesting and popular (mostly) web software into organized categories. The category of graphics editing apps is amazing — there are Figma, Spline, Vectary. But what about web apps for editing videos? Do you know any, or is it still unoccupied market?
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

How do you search for web apps?

Searching for native applications is pretty easy because we have app stores. But what about the web ones? As for me, I used to use Google, but in my opinion — it's not what it should look like. And what about you?
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

What are some of the must-have apps that you think everyone should know about?

I create Services (https://www.producthunt.com/products/software-store), where by gathering the most interesting apps, I try to make it easier for users to find new software. In addition to enabling indie makers to submit their product and get it in front of new users, I share interesting services by hand. Hence the question — what are some of the must-have apps that you think I should publish...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

What are your thoughts on app reviews & ratings? How do they influence your decision to try new app?

There are several services, such as Capterra, G2A, GetApp, which focus on providing users with as many reviews as possible. When I look for an application, reviews doesn't work for me because I need to see it in action and assess its appearance on my own. And that's why I do not implement reviews on Services. Instead, I focus on providing the most necessary details about the application. But...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

What do you lack when you promote your apps on a small budget?

Hi everyone! I am working on a general space with software, where I try to categorize all kind of apps in the most accurate way, enabling you to promote your apps organically. Hence the question — what problems and limits do you find when you promote your apps on a limited budget? What should I know when I plan new features?
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

What is, in your opinion, the most interesting WWW software?

Hi! I create a curated collection of WWW software, softwwware.org, and I am curious what services you see as the most interesting and which of them should be featured there? I would love to get to know both the ones you use and the ones you made.
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

How do you run online services (a.k.a. web apps)?

As for native ones, we use icons located on our home screens or desktops. But what when it comes to online services? You manually type in a URL addresses, use bookmarks? I came up with this question building a general space with online services, wondering how to make it easier for people to use the more and more popular web-based software. That would be great to learn more about your practices!
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Solutions that do not require to have an account look more robust and stable

In the past when we bought an app, which then was on a CD, it felt like you really *have* this. It felt like it really *belongs* to you. Now, when the current form of getting services works as a subscription, we, in fact, do not own the app itself, but the app's account. In my opinion, the feature that makes this is the need to sign up for the apps' accounts because in this way what we really...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Moving short distances is either comfortable but exp. and env-harmful or cheap and eco but opposite

I live in Poland. If we want to get from A to B within a large city like e.g. Warsaw we have to use either a car and stuck in traffic jams or public means of transport having numerous changes and also stuck among other vehicles trying to scramble through the city. On the other hand, if we have not large luggage, we can choose a bike or an electric scooter but this is neither elegant nor...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

After all, we all live in a common Cyberworld

After all, above all devices and operating systems they are driven by, we all live in a common Cyberworld and the operating systems are just its interfaces that define the way we see, feel and thereby experience it. The key determinant of to what extent we feel the commonality is the number of apps available on all of the interfaces. If we can seamlessly start a job on Mac and finish it on...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Visionariness of large companies is limited by their size

Cars seem to be the most popular means of private transport today. Whereas there are lot of different brands out there, the majority of them produce vehicles that look the same. It partly comes from the limits that the market's regulations impose, and partly from the fact that at first extremely innovative solutions are not that comfortable like the ones people got accustomed to because require...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

The ideology behind today's app stores may be wrong

The very first assumption I made when I started thinking about the industry of getting and distributing apps was that it is illogical that we use an app to buy and install apps. In my opinion it is, to some extent, against the nature of things that we get some kind of items using an item of this kind. In fact, it is like we would somehow buy cars from withing a car or get ovens from within an...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

There is room for a new kind of vehicles - bigger than bikes but smaller than cars ones

Two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles are incredible - they made that any short and medium distance on the Earth does not matter. Thanks them anyone, who owns one, can get from A to B relatively fast, in relatively comfortable and safe way. Nevertheless, they both are not perfect -- the former are totally weather-dependent and the latter still, in most cases, are harmful to the environment and...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

The way producers have to direct users to download their app is messy

The fact that on a website, where the app is being introduced, they have to place several links to various stores, in case of each of producers, locating them in different parts of the site, using different designs, makes the process of getting the app very chaotic and non-intuitive for users. Whereas it may indeed be right that each operating system has its own installation interface, in my...
Kacper Raubo
Kacper Raubo
started a discussion

Combustion vehicles make the Earth dying and it is hard to stop it

According to EPA (https://www.epa.gov/transportation-air-pollution-and-climate-change/carbon-pollution-transportation), greenhouse gas emissions from transportation account for about 29 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. In my opinion, the problem is that electric vehicles are expensive, the market of used ones is incomparably smaller than that of those with combustion engines and...