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I used to collect Pokemon cards and wanted to replace the feeling of discovering something rare. This is version 0.1 with zero features except for generating a new (possibly *super-hyper-rare*) card. If you'd like me to keep adding features lmk/join mail list

Stupid shiny card game (V0.1)
Replace doom scrolling w/ pretty shiny cards

Josh Summers
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Hi, I'm Josh, the maker of Requirement5 cards.
You can refresh or hit the button to generate a new card. *Scroll or touch the cards to see the shiny effects*.
Some things to look out for:
0) Rarity levels: { common, rare, ultra-rare, hyper-ultra-rare }
1) Cards with solid (not gradient) backgrounds
2) Cards with moving backgrounds
3) Cards with a "clock" which means the background changes...

Stupid shiny card game (V0.1)
Replace doom scrolling w/ pretty shiny cards

Josh Summers
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My startup Taaalk is trying (and failing) to do PLG. It's a platform for discussions, so I was hoping that one person would invite another, etc... however no one is starting conversations except for me!
Product-Led-Growth (New startups + discussion about successes and failures)
Josh Summers
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Taaalk is a place where people can have closed conversations (you control who is talking to who - so no interruptions) that everyone can read. Great for learning from others or just for ongoing chit chat.

A social network for conversations

Josh Summers
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THIS IS AWESOME. Great innovation. This should have more upvotes.

Generate charts, graphs, mathematics & more using Markdown!

Josh Summers
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best thing Ive seen on PH for a few years
Kanye Cube Blast
Help Kanye beat the haters by basting all the cubes!

Josh Summers
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Hi, nice looking product. I was wondering what you do that is not achievable in GA with goals + different attribution models. Thanks for any feedback, Josh
Measure marketing performance across your customer journey

Josh Summers
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Hi ProductHunt,
This is a side project that I have been working on with a Paris-based graphic designer and the Institute of Physics, a charity based in London that aim to spread the good of physics globally. It is a poster to celebrate the anniversary of the detection of gravitational waves by LIGO (which is today!).
Thanks for checking it out!

The Gravitational Waves Anniversary Poster
A poster to celebrate this remarkable scientific achievement

The Gravitational Waves Anniversary Poster
A poster to celebrate this remarkable scientific achievement

Josh Summers
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Good afternoon Product Hunters,
We are pre launch and looking for people that wish to improve their hiring techniques to be part of our beta.
HireFantastic is the SEOmoz of hiring: a complete toolset to improve your understanding, and implementation, of the leading hiring theories and best practices.
Hiring excellent individuals with consistency is one of the most valuable things any...

Speeds up and improves the results of your hiring process

Speeds up and improves the results of your hiring process

Josh Summers
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Hey! Great game. Lots of fun.

X-Wing Trench Run Game
You control a Star Wars X-Wing in this endless-runner

Josh Summers
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Very clever Meerkat! Some relevant reads:,

Meerkat API
Harness the power of live with Meerkat's public API

Josh Summers
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Wow. Really really well built product. Beautiful to use. Love the combination of the images and the text. Good job @talkaboutdesign.

Design Hunt
Best products, apps, and inspirations for creatives.

Josh Summers
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I really want to play! Can you get it in the UK app store? Can't find it anywhere.

Find the pairs in this simple iOS game

Josh Summers
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Whaaat aaare yooou taaalking aaabout?

Observe conversations between interesting people

Observe conversations between interesting people