All activity

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What benefits does this have over Canny? You cost the same (and look the same too).

The best user feedback tool for startups

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Good idea but 1700BTU is going to have almost zero effect.
A portable, multifunctional air conditioner ☃️

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Looks great! How did you make the demo video?

Email Studio for Gmail
Send personalized emails, schedule emails directly in Gmail

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Great idea, and both the bar and your website look good too. 10/10
All-in-one bar for your website

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Something I've always wondered is how many hours it takes to create one of these icon kits. It must be huge?
Icon 54
5,000 icons for iOS, android, websites & apps 🚀

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Wow, this is interesting. Baremetrics is great, everything you guys do is executed so well.

Baremetrics Benchmarks
Benchmark your SaaS metrics with other startups

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Nice workaround. I wonder how long until Twitter fixes it... ;)

Your Twitter timeline without any distractions or ads

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Congrats on the launch. This is a great addition to an already interesting service. Question: does your Android app already support the new chat feature?

Front Chat
The simplest way for teams to manage website chat

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I'd buy this immediately if it was available now. Post it again when it's ready to ship 👍
Reinventing rest

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This is really cool, and I'd buy one right now if it was ready. Not kickstartering though.
The most compact electric scooter that folds

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Fun, but needs to be in $ by default, not €

Top Five Domains
Discover makers' best domains and share your own.

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These look great! Also the plain white landing page is really effective, that looks great too.

Feather Icons
Simply beautiful open source icons

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Any plans for a Windows version?
CashNotify for Stripe
Monitor all your Stripe accounts from your Mac's menu bar

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Another -Joy... They haven't been doing so well recently.
Mailchimp for direct mail

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Oh wow, I totally missed this! I'm the developer, this is my side project. I'm happy to see its received so much positive attention, thanks everyone.
I built this because I needed a way to show my users the latest headlines and images from a range of sources, and nothing existed that brought this data together in one place with a consistent and uniform API. I had to access the data from each...

News API
Get live headlines from a range of news sources