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Henry Sipchen
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If you haven’t already, check out Afforai. It’s made for this type of work.
Best AI tools / platforms for summarizing documents?
Nina Austria | Afforai
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Henry Sipchen
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Happy launch day!

Summarize, interact, translate your documents with AI

A more accurate AI framework to interact with documents. Afforai provides superior document interaction, summarization, translation, and answering questions. With 5x quality and 10x coverage than other AI chatbots.
🎉 Free & Pay As You Go. No subscription.

Summarize, interact, translate your documents with AI

Henry Sipchen
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Quality always!
When it comes to cold outreach: quantity or quality?
Natia Kurdadze
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Henry Sipchen
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Congratulations! We launch tomorrow!
One Month later. I have officially launched on Product Hunt.
Matt K
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Henry Sipchen
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For now we aren’t getting paid, just a stake in the companies success. It’s a great motivator while also cutting down on costs
Does your team work for free for your startup or you are paying them?
Artem Luko
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Henry Sipchen
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Organization and making sure everyone executes in a timely, goal oriented, fashion
Challenges for business owners

Henry Sipchen
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Afforai is becoming increasingly popular
What are your favorite chatbot chrome extensions?
Nicholas Mohnacky
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Henry Sipchen
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Good luck! We launch tomorrow, but I’ll let you know if I pick up anything throughout the launch process!
1 Week till our Launch!
Lord Brian Dean-Madanamootoo
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Henry Sipchen
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How do you keep yourself updated with all the tech news and innovations going on?
Kshitiz Kumar
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Henry Sipchen
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Effective? Yes. Expensive? Also yes. We do our marketing in house. We’ve had to learn a lot on our own, but you’d be amazed how many online resources there are to help out with this. Creativity is also paramount
How effective is affiliate marketing?
Bigyan Karki
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Henry Sipchen
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You stole mine! Grammarly is just the best
What is your favorite Chrome extension?

Henry Sipchen
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Failure. I always hear about the value of failing, which I fully recognize—but coming up short still sucks! It’s all about perseverance in the wake of failure
What discourages you?
Sepideh Yazdi
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Henry Sipchen
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That’s exactly why we created Afforai!! Launching tomorrow!
a curious thought.
Shajedul Karim
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Henry Sipchen
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Not yet, though we are definitely heading in that direction if things keep going well!
Have you collaborated with creators/influencers to advertise your product? If so, was it worth it?
Vanessa Franz
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Henry Sipchen
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Worked 9-5 for my internship in downtown Chicago, reviewing depositions all day, and then came home and continued my final preparations for my startup’s launch on product hunt tomorrow!
What's something that you did which was hard for you today?
Sepideh Yazdi
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Henry Sipchen
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Can’t wait for tomorrow!!
We're 1 day away from launching!! 🚀✨
Alec Nguyen
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Henry Sipchen
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So excited for this launch!

Your leads in one place, supercharged by GPT

Henry Sipchen
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Afforai for me as well. It really is that much better!
What's the most recent product you've used that changed your life? I'll go first... Chat-GPT
Parker Klein
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