Henry Sipchen

Henry Sipchen

Marketing Coordinator
118 points
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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If you haven’t already, check out Afforai. It’s made for this type of work.
Nina Austria | Afforai
Best AI tools / platforms for summarizing documents?
Nina Austria | Afforai
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Happy launch day!
Summarize, interact, translate your documents with AI
Henry Sipchen
A more accurate AI framework to interact with documents. Afforai provides superior document interaction, summarization, translation, and answering questions. With 5x quality and 10x coverage than other AI chatbots. 🎉 Free & Pay As You Go. No subscription.
Summarize, interact, translate your documents with AI
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Quality always!
Natia Kurdadze
When it comes to cold outreach: quantity or quality?
Natia Kurdadze
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Congratulations! We launch tomorrow!
Matt K
One Month later. I have officially launched on Product Hunt.
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Afforai is becoming increasingly popular
Nicholas Mohnacky
What are your favorite chatbot chrome extensions?
Nicholas Mohnacky
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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How do you keep yourself updated with all the tech news and innovations going on?
Kshitiz Kumar
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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You stole mine! Grammarly is just the best
What is your favorite Chrome extension?
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Great advice!
Jareer Samad
Finding early adopters
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Not yet, though we are definitely heading in that direction if things keep going well!
Have you collaborated with creators/influencers to advertise your product? If so, was it worth it?
Vanessa Franz
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Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Can’t wait for tomorrow!!
Alec Nguyen
We're 1 day away from launching!! 🚀✨
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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So excited for this launch!
Your leads in one place, supercharged by GPT
Henry Sipchen
Henry Sipchen
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Afforai for me as well. It really is that much better!
Parker Klein
What's the most recent product you've used that changed your life? I'll go first... Chat-GPT