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Little Invest Town transforms complicated financial statements of companies into an imaginary character's personal finances. It's easier to analyse personal finances than that of businesses. No Sign Up Required.

Little Invest Town
Analyse Indian stocks without complicated numbers

This App is a Todo List with a Timer. If the timer goes to zero, one of your tasks will disappear (die). So, to prevent that, you need to complete all the tasks before time runs out. Every time you complete a job, you add more time to the timer. Okay?
To Die List
Complete your tasks before they die!

Sahil Bondre
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Hi PH! I am a big fan of gamification and productivity. So, I combined both these interests to make a todo list app.
To Die List
Complete your tasks before they die!

Dev Cheats is a curated collection of handcrafted cheat-sheets for devs. Download beautiful cheat-sheets on topics like git, VS Code in PDF format. More cheat-sheets are coming up soon!
Dev Cheats
Technical Cheat Sheets for Devs in Hurry

Sahil Bondre
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Hi PH,
I am a computer science undergrad. This is my second launch of a silly (but useful) product I've made. So this pandemic left me with a ton of free time since uni is off. So, I've compiled a collection of super small, super useful cheat-sheets for devs. I'd really love to hear your opinions on the cheat-sheets, the code and the design! The site is open-sourced BTW!
If you are looking...
Dev Cheats
Technical Cheat Sheets for Devs in Hurry

Sahil Bondre
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Working on my first ui library 😄
What are you working on this weekend?
Calum Webb
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Store all your lists in one place! Get productive, get organised. Make a list!

All your lists in one place

Sahil Bondre
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My very first product! Made in a single day so may contain bugs. I'd love to hear from you and fix all the nasty bugs and add more features 😄

All your lists in one place