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Organize your reading, mark chapters as read, discover trending manga, and get notified about new releases — all in one app. Free on iOS & Android!

App for tracking Manga Chapters

Giorgio Bertolotti
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Hey there! 👋
We’re Giorgio and Domenico, and we’re super excited to share MangaTime with you!
As a manga fan myself, I struggled to keep track of what I was reading, remember which chapters I’d finished, or know when new ones were released. One day, while using TV Time to track shows and movies, I thought: "Why isn’t there something like this for manga?" That’s when the idea for MangaTime was...

App for tracking Manga Chapters

Giorgio Bertolotti
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Hello Product Hunt!
We are excited to introduce Customerly Aura to you.
From day one, our mission has been to revolutionize the way SaaS companies communicate with their customers.
Personally, what I think is truly revolutionary is Aura's ability to adapt to the business context, chase its given mission, and figure out when it's the right time to quit and assign a conversation to customer...

Customerly Aura
AI assistant for support teams

Customerly Aura is the best AI chatbot, delivering fast, accurate support in any language. Ensures customer satisfaction; escalates complex issues to humans when needed.

Customerly Aura
AI assistant for support teams

Giorgio Bertolotti
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Super easy to use, good job!
Clubhouse ring — with ✨ gradients ✨
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Giorgio Bertolotti
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I love the idea!
Unfortunately I couldn't sign up because the phone number is Canada/US only 😞
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