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Jeffrey Krause
Easily create memes by searching movie or tv quotes
Jeffrey Krause

Just like the oracular ball but using YARNS.

Magic 8 Balls
Magic 8 Balls
Advice from movies, tv shows, and celebs
Jeffrey Krause
YARN Stories
YARN Stories
String YARNS together to tell a story
Jeffrey Krause
Jeffrey Krause
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Embedded camera sunglasses by Snapchat
Jeffrey Krause
Jeffrey Krause
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Awesome job team, for our next outsourced project we'll ping Kuhustle.
Connecting you to Africa's top tech talent on-demand
Jeffrey Krause
Yarn for Mixmax
Yarn for Mixmax
Instant video clips in email, like GIFs on steroids!
Jeffrey Krause
Yarn for Slack
Yarn for Slack
Drop TV and movie clips into your Slack chats
Jeffrey Krause
Yarn for Messenger
Yarn for Messenger
Share video clips from your favorite movies, tv, and music