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Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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congrats! amazing tool :)
Flipner AI
Capture your ideas & craft texts with AI's touch
Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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choose privacyy
Ozan Yalçın
338 Day Streak for my LAUNCH today 🎯 Would love to hear your feedback!
Ozan Yalçın
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Esra Turan
🔐🗝 Client-side end-to-end encryption
✂️ File splitting – each file is split
☁️ Distributed cloud
⛓ Blockchain authorization
0️⃣ Zero-knowledge
📁 Upload & Share any file type
⚡ Blazing Fast Upload & Downloads
✈ Easy to use
TransferChain Drive
TransferChain Drive
Secure & private cloud storage & file sharing
Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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early bird queen :)))
Doğukan Tezcan
Are you early bird or night owl?
Doğukan Tezcan
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Esra Turan

🔐 Client-side end-to-end encrypted

✂️ File sharding

☁️ Distributed cloud

⛓ Blockchain authentication

0️⃣ Zero-knowledge

📁 Transfer any file type

⚡ Blazing Fast Upload & Downloads

✈ Easy to use – Send files directly to emails or create secure links

TransferChain Send
Blockchain-based secure & private file sharing for everyone
Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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only 6, but proud :))))
Doğukan Tezcan
Product Hunt Community, let's share your longest streaks!
Doğukan Tezcan
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Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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full-time meditation ^^
Doğukan Tezcan
What are your ways to recharge on the weekend?
Doğukan Tezcan
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Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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@won_park thank you for sharing. May the force be with you!
Won Park
My precious followers, please cheer me on. We launch a product!
Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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Yes, I am! finger crossed
Carter Michael
(Poll) Are you working this weekend?
Carter Michael
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Esra Turan
Esra Turan
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Abdelrahman Deabes
What is the one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't had the courage to try yet?
Abdelrahman Deabes
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