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Instantly available meeting times that work for all attendees across companies and now--calendar platforms. From inside your calendar, simply open an invite, start adding attendees, and Clipse gives you the times everyone is available.

Clipse for Google Calendar
Revolutionize group scheduling

Eric Hofer
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Mutually free time with anyone.
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Aaron O'Leary
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Eric Hofer
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Hello, everyone! I'm Eric, founder and CEO of Clipse.
I've spent the last 15 years working in financial services (GS and MS), plagued daily with the frustration of finding meeting times with my external clients, colleagues, and vendors. Everyone was using Outlook, but we were all completely blind to calendar availability once we included external folks.
So I started building Clipse as a...

Clipse Add-in for Outlook
Instant visibility to shared free time with any Outlook user

Clipse isn't just a list of one person's unbooked time. It instantly shows you when all meeting attendees are free at the same time. Built for Outlook.
- Handles any # of attendees
- Works across company calendars
- Control when you appear available

Clipse Add-in for Outlook
Instant visibility to shared free time with any Outlook user

Eric Hofer
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Love the meeting notes!

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