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I haven’t found any hosting providers as good as Netlify. I tried briefly, and I tried Fleek. Even Glitch is not as convenient as Netlify.
What hosting do you use for personal projects?
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No-code builders typically produce low-quality (hard to read) code and have poor web performance. Code is also free, and no-code platforms usually aren’t.
Why are developers still building landing pages from scratch?
Attila Cs. Nagy
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I conducted ML research for a year and decided that I probably don’t want to start a startup anymore. I just like doing research.
I’m impressed by web designers. Props to you. I went through a design workshop in the summer of 2020 and my designs are still not as high quality as I would wish.
🔄 Career pivot: Have your passion led you to a new field?
Evelina Radoycheva
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This is the first use of crypto-related tech I have seen that seems focused on care for others and not raw, materialistic greed.
I think I this product would be even more compelling if the ?makers paired with for the greatest positive social impact. (Not sure if IOBY community projects are currently eligible for donations from this platform.)
I have to say, however, that if...

Crypto for Charity
Donate crypto, save on taxes, make a difference

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I would rather code my own digital garden with hand-written HTML and maybe a Mailchimp newsletter!
For me, the point of writing is to leave social media, and to reflect on my thoughts in a public journal, so intertwining my writing life with social media defeats the purpose.
Even though my writing is quite popular, I have never worked on creating a newsletter or monetizing my writing. I know...
Which garden would you rather cultivate your writing in?
John McTavish
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bell hooks says that we “have learned to think about love primarily in relation to…the context of reward and punishment. From early childhood on, most of us remember being told we were loved when we did things pleasing to our parents.”
My first thought, reading your post, is that you should think about your childhood. Did your parents reward you for visible achievements, like good grades, and...
Anyone else stressing themselves out with their end-of-year deadlines? 🙋♂️
Tyler Dane
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This could be promising. I want to know more about how and why you connect parents, but obviously I care about the overall mission.
I tried to contact Meerkat through the website, but on my iPad the contact page has no actual contact information.

Connecting parents with other parents for community building

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what's the one thing you are missing in your remote working experience ?
Laith R.
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Empathy and self-care!
Which skillsets are you aiming to invest more for 2022?
Alexandre Contador
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Ideally, if your “primary connection” to someone is through a video call, they don’t care how professional you look. That sounds like a superficial connection.
I may be unable to understand this product because I simply turn off my camera in video calls.
If you are spending a lot of time on a “professional setup” so that you can livestream your life like The Truman Show, this product may be...

Opal C1
The first professional web camera that helps you look better

left a comment lets you apply for multiple jobs at once.
What is best way to find jobs at startups?
Abhinav Prakash
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Some of my writing is popular. My most popular piece of writing got translated into a non-English language.
Greatest Achievement
Jaskiran Kaur
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I conducted a full year of research!
What is the one best thing in 2021 you are most proud of?
Mahak from Outgrow
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I don’t use eye tracking data to validate my designs. If I really needed to do so, eye tracking is pretty simple to do in JavaScript with libraries like tracking.js and TensorFlow.
I think using eye tracking to validate designs might be extreme. It is probably better to spend more time doing more user interviews.
Have you ever used eyetracking data to validate your visual designs?
Taimur Khan
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Guided meditations!
What are your tricks of falling asleep quickly?
Pablo Palmitas
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I think you would use Electron or Tauri to do this.
Create a custom browser
Luca Boscardelli
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Honestly, I don’t find this difficult.
Is it difficult to arrange a time to meet up with friends?
Lujan De Felice
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I recommend these books:
- Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Dive into Deep Learning
- Mathematics for Machine Learning
(I study ML, so that is my focus.)
Good resources for learning about AI
Daniel Hall
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