Boost productivity with Cursor Convo Export, the must-have extension for Cursor AI users. Export chats to a new window or save as timestamped markdown files. Preserve info; revive frozen chats. Use the Command Palette or shortcut to streamline your workflows!
As a maker, developer and AI enthousiast, I started working along with Cursor AI during development. This turned out to be a real productivity boost. One thing missed, though: the ability to save/export entire conversations (chats) that I had.
After a while I started to notice the need for this to:
1οΈβ£ save (parts of a) conversation as documentation (deploy steps, related features,...
I've made my first sales for people who see the value in my extension that helps them with their workflow in Cursor AI. I don't recollect seeing other extensions as a product here, but I think that it is of great value, and a lot of Cursor users might be here (since this is a community which naturally has a lot of early (AI) adopters).
Curious about your opinion about this. Should i release it...
Focused Maker Music is an album with 9 AI-infused focus tracks that tech makers & entrepreneurs can listen to while working on their product. The 10th song is a rap mantra for makers all over the world.
Code hard, focus & ship harder π₯
Unlock substantial time and cost savings with LINQ Me Up. Using AI, LINQ Me Up helps C# developers to significantly reduce the time spent on query conversion from SQL to LINQ code and vice versa, or create LINQ queries from JSON, XML or a model class.