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SwagExchange is on a mission to celebrate the love people and companies have for swag and our planet. Exchange your swag, showcase your swag, level up, and more!

Trade your startup swag with others and save the planet

What Edmunds is for car buying, Belle is for fitness and wellness! Read reviews on gyms, gear, and equipment, and access other tools, resources, and motivation to help you find your fit and support your progress along the way!

Access reviews, and tools to help you find your fit

HappyPatron Stories are inspiring narratives that take patrons beyond the product to help them connect more deeply with a brand's mission, vision, and journey.

HappyPatron: Stories
Go beyond the products with stories from brands you love.

HappyPatron is on a mission to curate online merchants and provide them with a platform to tell their story, grow, and engage with their most loyal patrons and enthusiasts. We also want to give those patrons the space to love them (and rate them) publicly.

A directory of direct to consumer e-commerce brands.

Crowdsource ideas, track interest, and prioritize what to work on next.
A simple way to involve your community and customers in your product or service's roadmap and build what they really want.

A simple way to involve your users directly in your roadmap

This book doesn’t teach you about craft. Instead, it equips you with the knowledge of what it really takes to have a successful design career. I set out to create this handbook over a year ago. My vision was simple. I wanted to make the book that I wish I had when I graduated college. A simple career guide. Today it launches with a special promo!

The Designer’s Handbook
Move your design career forward with this simple handbook.

Focus on the ideas that matter most.

The Pipe Journal
Interviews with self-published design & tech authors.

UI Breakfast Podcast #50: Becoming a Brand Evangelist with Dennis Field
We talk with Dennis about his (and my) work with InVision

Designer Deals
A curated list of deals for designers.

Connect, showcase, get feedback and grow as a songwriter.