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PodMatch automatically matches ideal podcast hosts and guests for interviews. Imagine your favorite online dating app but instead of using it for finding dates, you're booking podcast interviews. We use the same(ish) technology for automated matching!

Auto matching for Podcast Hosts & Guests to book interviews

Alex Sanfilippo
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Get specific on who you're looking for, then start with who you know. That's what I did! Also, a few solo episodes at the start doesn't hurt you - People want to get to know you as the host.
How do I get the first guest for my Podcast?
Ullekh Niraula
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Alex Sanfilippo
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I'm thankful for a lot of products... @squadcastfm being a major one. I did a lot of recording for my podcast this week and they've been a huge help.
What products are you thankful for?
Aaron O'Leary
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Alex Sanfilippo
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I've been "hacking" my way to make this happen, but this is really cool what you guys have done. GREAT JOB!
Text to Podcast Extension by Podcastle
Convert news/articles to a podcast using machine learning