All activity

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Looks great man... Will be checking it out ASAP

Free lessons from the pros who’ve built massive websites

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Looks great man! Dmitry has made a name for himself with some pretty creative growth tactics, so I'm looking forward to the behind the scenes view.

3 Real Reasons Why Most Startups Fail
10x growthhacker eBook (first 26 pages only)

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What are some of the best fit use cases so far?

Quickly discover prospects & automate personalized outreach

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Very noble to do. Should pay some dynamic dividends. Gratz!

KPCB Edge Office Hours
Virtual office hours with VCs on your iPhone

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Had the idea to create the "unfunded podcast" where companies would passively pitch their service (no investors on the call). Any plans for shows without VC's on?

The Pitch
The podcast where early stage startups pitch investors

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Finally live! I've had both of these guys on my podcast and both episodes rocked. Will be signing up asap. UI looks slick!

Content Marketer
The best tool for influencer outreach & content promotion

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Rad! Just started focusing on gifs for twitter ads this week. Thanks guys and gals!
A simple animated text meme generator

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Awesome! Had an idea once upon a time to curate the best webinars and allow for user ratings, feedback etc. This looks really useful. Kudos!

Breakout Room
A place to discover professional talks and webinars

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Is there a reminder feature? I find myself hoarding things for later and then either am not in the bathroom long enough to read it... er I mean on a flight long enough;.... But I end up with a huge list of stuff that just feels like "to-do". But, if I had a reminder I could set for say a day or week out, that would rock!
Pocket for podcasts. Listen to it later.

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Another sick product from Murat and his team... I remember having him on the podcast in the early days and he was all about product. Good to see that hasn't changed. Bravo man!

Marvel Embeds
Embed interactive prototypes on any site (including Medium!)

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I wonder what @dragilev thinks about using this
Find where to get press coverage for your startup

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So who is the overall owner of this site? Is it a collab between a few?

Growth Hacker Kit
Weekly marketing lessons and discounts on tools

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Very big fan of this! As someone who uses Libsyn and Soundcloud at the same time I'm happy I now have this option. Pricing is perfect as well. But.. Swapping from Libsyn scares me. Will I lose my current subs on itunes in the process?
Also, I love the soundcloud UI/UX and so whoever works on that, bravo!

Podcasting on SoundCloud
Now anyone can host a podcast on SoundCloud

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After building this out in the open, and inspiring me to do the same with our new app, AWESOME to see this on product hunt home page for today. Congrats on the launch Bryan!

List Goal
View your email subscriber goal & tips in Chrome's new tab

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Sean is a huge supporter of the Startup community and an all around good guy. He deserves to be here today, and wish you all the best man!

Beautifully simple software to manage your small business.

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For sure find this less annoying. I think it's all about the color selection.. Any plans on @activecampaign integration?

Wordpress plugin to collect emails without annoying users

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Looks great for non dev types (myself). Will be interesting to see how the average job pricing index will look... any plans on releasing that data as your go along?

Outsource programming tasks as simple as sending an email

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Interesting idea. The increase in all things startup curation has my attention for sure. Cheers man!

Spectacle V0 (previously Startup-Videos)
Showcasing the best startup videos