Bri Cho

Bri Cho

product & growth person
38 points
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Bri Cho
Use the most comprehensive guide covering 260+ jurisdictions and find out when and where you need to start charging and reporting sales tax, VAT, or GST. Index mode, self-assessment mode, powerful filters? We got it all, for you.
Interactive global sales tax guide
Interactive global sales tax guide
Find out if you are compliant with global sales tax and VAT.
Bri Cho
With OpenScout, investors can access diverse dealflow from handpicked scouts. Venture scouts can share deals with an entire marketplace of investors, and get paid a success fee ($5k-50k!). Apply to join as a scout or as an investor for our invite-only beta!
OpenScout by Landscape
OpenScout by Landscape
Scout for multiple VCs, earn up to $50k for referrals
Bri Cho
Stop testing ideas and products on your mom or roommate. Use Prolific to launch your survey to 70k+ participants in North America and Europe. We verify and monitor participants so you can get access to high quality psychological and behavioral data in minutes.
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