Bianca Pereira

Bianca Pereira

Linking your thinking
75 points
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Bianca Pereira
The LYT Kit is a sandbox of linked digital notes. Open it with the Obsidian notes application. It has 250+ notes that are linked 1000+ times. It's the world's most downloaded kit for linked notes (35,000+). And it's free. Explore, experiment, & learn by doing.
Discover how to use linked notes
Bianca Pereira
🚀Obsidian Flight School is an educational product—and starter kit. It is designed to make you faster, more skilled, & more confident using the next gen note app called Obsidian.
⚡️ Fly around your notes faster than ever the speed of thought
Obsidian Flight School
Obsidian Flight School
Get faster using Obsidian