Dependency CI
Emoji Pool Floats
Code Climate for Google Chrome
Gravity Wireframe Kit
Longform Podcast - 174: Venkatesh Rao
Planet Money - Episode 674: We Cooked A Peacock
The Independent Consulting Manual
Ruby on Rails - 207: Choosing the Right Systems for the Job with Sam Lambert
Ruby on Rails Podcast - 206: Stress Management
Ruby on Rails Podcast - 205: Webhooks 101 & 202
Ruby on Rails Podcast #204: Money and open source
Ruby on Rails Podcast - 203: Behind the Scenes Peek at the New GitHub Integrations Directory
Ruby on Rails Podcast - 202: Behind the scenes at Product Hunt
The Bill Simmons Podcast - 1: Week 4 NFL w/ Cousin Sal
Ruby on Rails Podcast - 201: API-first, planning-second
Ruby on Rails - The User Interface is the Exception State
Ruby on Rails Podcast - Memorable Tips for Working Remotely