Teambit for Slack a new integration that helps you to understand, develop and retain your team by making feedback a daily habit. This way everyone can feel heard, recognized and clear about what to improve. You can get instant notifications about new feedback, praise, requests, surveys and reviews and react to them right from Slack. On top of that you can ensure that everyone is frictionlessly onboarded, as well as send and request feedback from your teammates.

Manager Handbook is a curated collection of the best articles about how to be a better leader.

Reviews by Teambit is a better way to evaluate performance. It’s lightweight, fair, contextual and flexible performance reviews.

Manager Assessment is a short, research-backed questionnaire, that helps team leaders to understand how good they are at their job and what areas they can improve.

Manager checklist is a handy cheatsheet of all the things every manager should regularly do. You can look through it once and copy to your to do list or you can regularly come back here and tick things off.

HR Stash is a directory of best tools for people processes, grouped in 14 collections - from onboarding and feedback to surveys and learning

Teambit is an engagement platform that empowers your team to perform the best it can by making feedback a daily habit.