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Alex Gorman
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I asked myself the same questions a couple of months ago. While I dont have a program for this I would check out Morning Brew. Their model and design is groundbreaking. You may find some answers there.
What is the best way to set up an email referral program for newsletters?
Hisham Iqbal
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Alex Gorman
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Great question! Excellent points made here as well.
My belief is that a product centric model is best in early stages. Get it up to MVP before you start a strong marketing plan. This is not to say growth is not important but rather that the product is ultimately what will create sustained growth.
If the product is not up to the level it needs to be, no matter how you sell it, your traction...
In the early stages, how much time do you devote to growth vs product?
Anamika Chaudhary
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Alex Gorman
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Such an interesting take on the social distancing area. With all the doom an gloom of being tucked away from loved ones this is putting a could spin on the situation. Also add in the fact the it will encourage people to social distance and you have a great combination. Really great work here.

An app rewarding social-distancing

Alex Gorman
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This is a brilliant Idea. Going to war on wastage.
I'm really interested in where you got your data from? Like how long milk will last once opened.
Really neat and attractive product. Great work!
The food expiration tracker for groceries and leftovers

Alex Gorman
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I think feedback from non-customer/user base like Makers is priceless.
To be fair timing could be off. A maker might not have anything for you to give feedback on.
But what you are proposing is an excellent Maker app/webpage built feedback reciprocity. With an awards based system where if they have given you feedback you have to give them feedback in return. Would be really useful for early...
Do developers who want to get feedback also like to give feedback? 🤔

Alex Gorman
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This looks really great. Just what the community needs, free advice from someone in the know. You are doing a great service here. I look forward to my first email. Good luck

Organic Growth Strategies
Curated 500+ tried & tested organic growth strategies

Alex Gorman
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What jobs did you leave or are planning to leave in order to become a maker?
Hi Makers,
I've become really interested recently in what makes someone leave a job to pursue a career as a maker. I used to be an Archaeologist (its an unusual change I know). I want to know your stories.
What jobs did you give up to pursue your dream?
What job are you planning to leave once your Unicorn takes off?

Alex Gorman
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I was always told that when it comes to friends and family "never a lender or borrower be."
Asking family members to invest in your start up?
Monna Lissa Raja
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Alex Gorman
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Its an interesting topic. Tech through history has always been used as a means of taming or bending nature to our will. Now imagine if tech could could remove us from the equation. In such a way that we no longer interfere with nature. Nature could then be free to return (where possible) to a state of balance without us.
I feel that this should be our drive technologically. To be honest I am...
How do you think technology will shape our beautiful planet in the next 5 years?
Mirko Maccarrone
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Alex Gorman
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This is really great work. Neat and very easy to use. For me the best part of Nudgify is the versatility. I'm struggling to think of a product that wouldn't benefit from this. Great work team and good luck.

Add social proof, FOMO and UX notifications to your website

Alex Gorman
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Never before has there been a product timed more perfectly!
(A little dramatic I know but this is the kind of product I’ve been wanting for a while)
Having it based on an objectivity scale, I’m interested about the products ability to work with opinion pieces and interviews? As those types of articles are supposed to have no objectivity.
Really great concept. Might Be what reporting today...

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