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Aldo Radesic
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So far and in the future, everything's in English. The only exception is the 7Caps program, which became multilingual in version 9. In addition to English, it supports 10 other languages and the Venetian dialect.
Hunters, how do you decide which languages to support before launching your product?

Aldo Radesic
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Underlined with a Claw.
What was the last book you read?
Dmitry Zakharov
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Aldo Radesic
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Near Ljubljana, Slovenia
What part of the world are you in?
Austin Armstrong
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Aldo Radesic
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Depending on the mood. Jazz, Korean traditional music, or Malorshiga on Spotify at the following link
Share the music background of the day :)
Tornike Tsiramua
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Aldo Radesic
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Hello David, I live near Ljubljana in Slovenia. I'm not Italian. However, because my ancestors are from the northwest of Istria, in our family, we've always spoken the Venetian dialect at home with my parents and most relatives.
👋I'm new and I'm from Italy. Any italian friends on Product Hunt?
Davide Esposito
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Aldo Radesic
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How many languages do you use in your daily routine?
Diana Akchurina
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Aldo Radesic
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I am currently developing a new free version of Lock Cursor Tools. The program locks the mouse cursor within a selected area. The new version includes features that were suggested by users.
What project are you currently working on?
Marc Seitz
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Aldo Radesic
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I have tested the program and created the letter. I don't have any comments suggesting that anything is wrong or bothering me. Perhaps there is a low response due to the limited number of potential users. However, I'm not certain if I would use it if I were looking for another job. At least here in Slovenia, there's currently an abundance of opportunities where you can simply call the job...
I got doubts about myself
Peter Button
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Aldo Radesic
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I recharge myself with energy by repeatedly listening to the song 'Vita Spericolata' by Vasco Rossi. Hypnotic music and lyrics that encourage the desire for freedom, adventure, and living life on the edge.
Do you have any tips on re-energizing yourself or getting back on track when you feel like quitting?
Pietro Saccomani
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Aldo Radesic
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In May 2023, the average salary in Slovenia was 2,191.85 EUR.
What is average salary in your country? 👀
Artem Luko
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Aldo Radesic
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It depends on the product. Sometimes you connect with the decision-maker. Sometimes, however, you connect with the potential user who will approach the decision-makers and encourage them to purchase the product.
How to sell a product to a business?
Artem Luko
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Aldo Radesic
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Very easy. On the map of Italy, I randomly moved my finger to the mountain pass Digola.
How did you come up with the name for your startup?
Gabriella S. -
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Aldo Radesic
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If you want to win the race, you have to be the first to cross the finish line.
What’s a quote that always motivates you?

Aldo Radesic
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I use my Digola Note application. The program is very similar to Windows Notepad. It has added features like "stay on top," transparency, random background color, automatic paste from clipboard, and more. I spent no more than half an hour developing the program. I created it solely for my personal use.
What is your favourite note taking tool?
Ezgi Aydın
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Aldo Radesic
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Skoraj ves dan iščem napako v programu. Pod določenimi pogoji se prikažejo nepravilni rezultati. Iskanje bom verjetno nadaljeval v nedeljo.
Is it just me, or does someone else also likes working on the weekend?
Tim Cherkasov
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InstaMonitr enhances Windows screen duplication/extension with new features. Ideal for business presentations, conferences, and lectures. Simple, effective software for professionals, students, educators, and anyone seeking engaging, interactive presentations.

Enhance your presentations

Aldo Radesic
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Hello ProductHunt community!
I'm excited to introduce you to InstaMonitr, a powerful software designed to enhance the display on a second monitor. If you've ever had to give a presentation or lecture, you know how important it is to have a clear and engaging display. While Windows allows users to duplicate or extend their screens, InstaMonitr takes it a step further by providing more advanced...

Enhance your presentations