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Akshay Karwal
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@johnomarkid Great idea! I really love how the content is used on the website. But, don't you think 99$ is a bit pricey, especially in countries where the difference between exchange rate is quite high? This may turn off lots of potential consumers.

Caterpillar App
Turn any movie into a full language course

Akshay Karwal
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Greetings! Product hunters.
Engineers are the backbone of a company. True! But there is something that disturbs their overall productivity. It is nothing but devoting their productive hours on interviewing unqualified candidates.
Primarily, because of the discrepancies between the resume and actual skills of the candidate. As a result, you often end up interviewing unqualified...

Borrow top engineers to interview your candidates.

Akshay Karwal
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@joelandren Interesting one!

Twitter: While You Were Away
“Rap Genius” to what people are blabbering about on Twitter

Akshay Karwal
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@mackflavelle This is exactly what I've been looking for. I'm the kind of guy who prefers to keep my tabs open. Sadly, my browser starts to look like a crowded town towards the end of the day. Now that I've been using Toby for a week, I have no idea how I should manage things without it. The very intrinsic idea of Toby is worth praising. Great job guys.

Organize your browser tabs

Akshay Karwal
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Hello there @mvolpe and @eilatyoel Does it block all types of ransomware like Encrypting ransomware and Locker ransomware?

Free ransomware protection using behavioral AI technology

Akshay Karwal
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This seems very useful @ajt

SocialRank Realtime
Social media command center for one