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Akshay Vernekar
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its definitely marketing for me , being a developer it was relatively easier to create the product even though we have a good organic growth rate now it helps if the word is spreads much faster. Any advice welcomed !
What's the hardest part about launching a product?
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Akshay Vernekar
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Really loved the site! I wish if there was a comment section so people could discuss about what they like or dislike about the site .
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

Akshay Vernekar
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I recently bought a Drone(a tello) , planning to create a glove to control the drone with movement of my hand.
Makers, who has a weekend project? What is it? 👀
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Akshay Vernekar
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Thanks @jennordhem for your offer, we launched our app(Lemma) on PH weeks back , it automatically fetches the best captions and hashtags that can go with your social media post using AI . Could you check it out, I would love to hear your feedback. Here is product :Lemma
Let me test your product
Jen Nordhem
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Akshay Vernekar
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We launched on Product hunt today, Lemma , looking for your feedback . Thankyou .
Looking for feedback on your product?

Akshay Vernekar
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Hi folks! We are very excited to launch this app which we were working from many months.
Are you a traveler, photographer, Instagram influencer , event organizer, a budding entrepreneur trying to build your brand or just a person who finds joy sharing moments of your life with others ?, then this App is for you.
Never again waste time searching for captions and hashtags on the internet....
Auto captions and hashtags using AI

Lemma is a social media tool which you can use to get more likes for your posts . Lemma uses Image recognition and AI to suggest best captions and trending hashtags for your posts attracting more followers and likes.
Auto captions and hashtags using AI

Akshay Vernekar
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congrats on the launch . Really creative , love the way you took care of privacy issues.

Keep track of friends, family and colleagues you care for.

Akshay Vernekar
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really love the idea it could be transformed into a financial investment tool, something like "instead of spending $160 on airpod: you could invest the money in so and so investment plan and your money will double in X years .

Do you really *need* to buy something?

Akshay Vernekar
left a comment
Amazing app , this app has gone already ! Good job guys !

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