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1000s of people posted predictions for Web3 in 2022 last week.
Here are the top 50 Twitter threads to get ahead on NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, P2E, BTC, ETH, L1s, L2s, etc...
Here are the top 50 Twitter threads to get ahead on NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, P2E, BTC, ETH, L1s, L2s, etc...

300+ Web3 Predictions for 2022
Top Twitter threads to get ahead in Web3

Adam Cochran
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This seems to be both issuing a security under US securities law and a private secondary ATS. Are you only taking accredited investors, or are you filing full prospectus for each human IPO with the SEC?
It's a really cool concept and looks like it has some legs, but I couldn't find anything about your compliance structure?
HumanIPO 2.0
Grow, and let your supporters profit from your success

Adam Cochran
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I love domain curation lists/sides - many of them do one curation sell out and never do another, and when they launch or get featured on product hunt it is rare to get anything of value. But, those who keep going, especially those that have a niche are great to follow long term.
Having a mailing list and doing it long term is where its at.
I will say, that some of these names are nice, but,...
Geeky Domains
Curated domains for geeky founders 🤓

Adam Cochran
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They missed the beat on this one. I remember shortly after Honey had launched and the RetailMeNot CEO was asked about it on an earnings call and dismissed it as not a competitive threat touting that the model didn't work.

RetailMeNot Genie
Instantly apply the internet's best coupons at checkout

Adam Cochran
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Love the idea of aligning users and publishers in the attention economy but a few questions:
1) Users can cash out points for things that have a set cost (this is different than in Brave). Since there is a fixed cost, you have to get the monetization from somewhere. What's your future plan here? Do you fund rewards from charging publishers or promotional ads etc?
2) There are some large...

Read newsletters you love, get paid

Adam Cochran
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As a moderator for major blockchain subreddits, I've always been frustrated at the partisan and sensationalized outlets for news in the space.
If it wasn't cultish praise, it was headline-only journalism or shilling projects for profit - all of which did little to advance an industry that has a great opportunity to help solve many critical problems facing humankind.
I set out with the goal of...

Coffee&Coin - Newsletter
A free weekly blockchain newsletter from crypto Reddits.

Coffee&Coin is a free weekly newsletter covering the blockchain space. Powered by crypto subreddits like /r/cryptocurrency.
This weeks edition is 31,973 characters and covers 28 projects in-depth!

Coffee&Coin - Newsletter
A free weekly blockchain newsletter from crypto Reddits.

Adam Cochran
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This isn't so much copyright as it is proof of published works, right?
There is no legal basis for someone trying to copyright a name or slogan on the chain - but, the idea is publishing your work with a time stamp allows you to show you were the original creator of a work (whereas previously, you may have done the old author trick of sending yourself a sealed copy in certified government...

Decentralized copyright registration platform

Adam Cochran
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Over the past year, there have been a few dozens of these projects popup - use excel to get an API. I love the concept.
But, every time they get upvoted (because people love the concept) but they all seem the same to me, there is very little feature differentiation. The fact that it keeps getting a response suggests to me that its a product everyone thinks they will use, but, they never end up...

Turn a SpreadSheet (Google or Excel) into a REST API

Adam Cochran
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Hey folks!
As a moderator for Reddit's /r/cryptocurrency and /r/ethtrader subs, I find myself discovering new (and often quite innovative) scams each day, designed to steal people's cryptocurrency.
While in our subreddit, we've built automated tooling to help detect these issues, and can rely on community reports to help flag issues, I wanted to to build something that would help protect...

IronCoin Extension (Alpha)
An open-source, Gitcoin funded, crypto security extension.

IronCoin is a crypto security extension which detects phishing, puny code attacks, hijacking attempts and scams. It validates the authenticity of sites and blocks sites with malicious practices. It also provides news alerts related to crypto security events.

IronCoin Extension (Alpha)
An open-source, Gitcoin funded, crypto security extension.

Adam Cochran
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Love this concept - hoping to see you open this up to international investors soon.
A few questions/points of feedback spring to mind.
1) Are you making a separate SPV for each item that is then filing under Tier2 RegA, or is it all Tier2 RegA offerings directly from Rally Rd (as in theory this would limit the amount of offerings you can do in the future?)
2) Since you are doing Tier 2...
Rally Rd. 2.0
Investments of the rich, now available to all

Adam Cochran
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Madlipz is a fun app that recently saw a new resurgence with their integration of the cryptocurrency Kin in order to reward content creators. It acts as one of the few polished mainstream examples of mass use cryptocurrency in a manner that is friendly, approachable and not based around a scammy ICO by the app.
The Kin cryptocurrency is designed to provide fair and provable rewards to content...
Create, view & easily share funny short-form video parodies

Adam Cochran
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Hey Jesper - awesome product!
What are you using for the actual email? Is it just PostFix and a custom UX or are you pushing this out to a third-party provider and just managing the domains?
Get e-mail addresses that are as unique as your family.

Adam Cochran
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About 4 years ago, inspired by sites like "thisiswhyimbroke" I attempted to make a site called AmazonNomNom to curate the weird food on - it was built on a ripped apart WordPress theme and was nothing short of a disaster.
Years later, after learning a bit more about web development (and that including Amazon's name in my URL would be a legal nightmare), I decided to recreate the...

Shove It In Your Face Hole
A curated list of wacky food from around the web.

Inspired by sites like thisiswhyimbroke, is a curated list of weird, wacky, and wonderful food found across the internet. Previously called, AmazonNomNom the site changed its name to broaden its offering, and because I didn't feel like dealing with Amazon lawyers. The site was built as part of an hour a day dev challenge.

Shove It In Your Face Hole
A curated list of wacky food from around the web.

Adam Cochran
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I'm a fan of Swelly's new approach. Here we've got a real consumer platform with tens of millions of users adopting and providing a real use case for crypto. Better yet, these consumers are real mainstream users being introduced to crypto for the first time.
I think Swelly also made a great choice by not launching their own cryptocurrency, like so many have, and instead adopting Kin a...

Swelly 5.0
Answer questions & earn crypto

Adam Cochran
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I love Cards Against Humanity and find most of their promos spot-on.
This one admittedly catches me a bit off guard.
There is very little overlap between trick-or-treaters and those who are voting age.
So I guess the hope is that parents really do carefully review their kids candy? (Bit of wishful thinking!)
Vote Worms by Cards Against Humanity
Candy to encourage trick-or-treaters to vote 🐛

Adam Cochran
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Awesome new approach to this space, especially the idea of creating an anonymous way to remarket to users. As an experienced ad buyer I have a flurry of questions for you:
1) $8 CPM is expensive (2x - 6.5x more expensive than most bulk DSP traffic) I assume a healthy chunk of that price is your margin. You mentioned your advantage is not having to pay fixed fees for a trade desk, but, what...
Turn every link you share into targeted ads

Adam Cochran
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Beautiful logos and great pricing!
As someone who works with a lot of non-profits, its great to also see a free way for them to get a reputable brand image. Have you thought of partnering with printing groups to offer the non-profits a brand package of biz cards etc? Many of them can't afford the logo design, but have budgets for assets (and many grants cover assets). Might be a good way to...
Custom human built logos.